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First District Supervisor candidate Rhinehart’s post-election statement

Keith Rhinehart, 1st District Supervisorial candidate, finished third in the race with about 10 percent of the vote. He released the following statement this morning:

“I want to congratulate both Supervisor Gorin and fellow candidate Gina Cuclis on their election results. First, Supervisor Gorin for clinging to her incumbency by a modest majority; and candidate Gina Cuclis for her strongest showing yet in a Supervisorial contest.

I want to especially thank my supporters and voters, who believed in me, and in my vision for a more fair, and less-intrusive County Government. Nearly half of 1st District voters are justifiably unhappy, and I am still working to bring people together over these serious County issues:

1) Pension reform and roads
2) Winery overdevelopment in our County
3) A thorough and compassionate transition for Sonoma Developmental Center residents
4) Property owners’ rights and VRBO issues
5) Low-income housing/homelessness
6) Mental Health and Disability issues
7) Law enforcement issues

I look forward to working with the Community in these areas, and I know that working together, we can accomplish anything.

I reiterate my general distaste toward the extreme cost of the election process as it now exists, which causes useless squandering of funds along with undue and improper pressure and influence over our Government officials, at every level, across our great Nation. I am always advocating for a free and fair election process that results in better representation for our residents, and I am extremely pleased by the results I have achieved in the this County election, having received over 10% of the vote at a cost of less than 14 cents per vote.

I remain hopeful that, as social media and the internet continue to grow in creativity and outreach, and gain greater acceptance as a viable tool for communication, all future candidates will be able to conduct robust campaigns that will lessen the negative impact of excessive campaign funding.”

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