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Springs Alliance meets Thursday, June 9

Community separators, a concept approved by County voters 20 years ago, have stopped sprawl in rural and agricultural lands. In November, Sonoma County voters will vote on extending those rules for another 30 years. On Thursday, June 9, Teri Shore of the Greenbelt Alliance will speak on the importance of community separators at a meeting of the Springs Community Alliance at 7 p.m. at the Sonoma Charter School, 17202 Sonoma Hwy, at Vailetti Drive in the Springs.

The 1,400-acre Glen-Ellen-Agua Caliente Community Separator is one of eight in Sonoma County that can’t, right now, be turned into housing tracts or shopping malls.

Also on the agenda is a “mini” Springs Specific Plan workshop using large colored maps to identify areas in the Springs, mostly in the Highway 12 corridor, where opportunities may exist for improvement. Workshop participants can provide input on preferred areas for new residential, commercial and public uses, and identify locations needing improvement or reutilization. Participants will also be asked to weigh-in on needed circulation improvements and connections.

The meeting is open to the public and anyone with an interest in the Springs is welcome to attend and weigh in on issues of concern.

SCA’s mission is to serve as a hub of action and information affecting the interests and well-being of all people who live in, serve, or conduct business within the “Springs” neighborhoods of El Verano, Boyes Hot Springs, Fetters Hot Springs and Agua Caliente.

The goals of the alliance include economic development; environmental safety, beauty and preservation; traffic and roadway issues; health; community outreach and hospitality.

Regular meetings are held on the second Thursday of the month from 7 to 8:30 p.m.


— Artwork by Michael Acker



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