Meet Oscar! Oscar is a 10 year old short haired black and white male. He and another cat were brought in by a kind neighbor who found them after the owners moved out. He is a sweet cat who enjoys attention and likes to talk. He is adjusting to being in our Adult Cat Room, but we know he is hoping for a home of his own. Come and visit with him and see if he is the kitty for you.
Meet Hank! Hank is a 5 year old tan male Chihuahua. Poor little Hank was found under a bush the morning after the 4th of July. He was very scared and very full of fleas. Hank’s owners have never come to look for him. He is super sweet and has a fun personality. He is a little lap dog and will make a wonderful companion for someone who is looking for love! He is a favorite of the Summer Campers who love to read to him.
Meet these and other wonderful pets and Pets Lifeline.
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