Test scores of Sonoma Valley students improved in year two of the state’s Smarter Balanced Assessments, School District Superintendent Louann Carlomagno announced this week.
“This year’s results highlight the growth of our students when compared to scores from last year,” Carlomagno said. “The (tests) are challenging, but our students are making strong progress.”
Students in grades 3 through 8, and grade 11, took the test in the spring of 2016. Scores fall into one of four categories: Standard Exceeded, Standard Met, Standard Nearly Met, and Standard Not Met. Students were tested in two subjects: Mathematics and English Language Arts/Literacy (ELA).
This is the first time the state testing system allows districts to compare the current results with those from the previous year. “This seems like a simple concept — that we would want to compare last year’s third graders with this year’s fourth graders — but this is the first time we have had a system that allows us to do that,” said Karla Conroy, director of Curriculum and Instruction.
The encouraging results showed growth in every grade, Carlomagno said. The percent of Valley students scoring at Standard Met and/or Standard Exceeded increased overall. When comparing 2015-2016 results to the previous school year, each grade level showed an improvement in both mathematics and ELA.
For the 11th grade, ELA scores are comparable to Sonoma County and State of California, while math results exceed both county and state scores.
“We can attribute the wide-ranging improvement to the dedication of our teachers,” remarked Conroy. “Transition to the new standards progressed this year as teachers continued to modify lessons, implement new curriculum, and more fully understand the assessment.”
While the scores across the District reflect growth, its educators remain acutely aware that targeted attention needs to be paid to the diverse subgroups in the Valley. “Meeting the needs of atudents with disabilities, English learners, socio-economically disadvantaged, and gifted and talented students poses a unique challenge,” said Nikarre Redcoff, director of Student Services.
The District continues to serve a large population of socio-economically disadvantaged students: 62 percent of Sonoma students taking the test in 2016 fell into this category compared to a county-wide figure of 48 percent. Schools have struggled to overcome barriers to achievement that these students experience.
Superintendent Carlomagno said that enhancing support for student subgroups is a top priority this year, as it has been in the past. The District’s goal is that all students will be college and career ready upon graduation.
Conroy said that school leaders are continuing to analyze the test results. “Our goal is to use the data for the continuous advancement of teaching and learning,” she said.
Carlomagno said the test results reflect the hard work of students and educators alike. “We are on the right path, but there is more work to do, she said. “In connection with our community partners such as the Sonoma Valley Education Foundation, we will continue to improve in our ability to address the needs of all students.”
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