The Sun’s Hallowe’en Contest Rules
Create Hallowe’en themed verse, stories, art, photos and appear in our Hallowe’en issue! Winner of the art and photography portion of the contest will see her/his art on the cover of the 27 October issue!
If you’re younger than 18 years and one day you can enter the contest. Your work must be original and not published anywhere else. The age groups:
Age 5 years and one day to 10 years
Age 10 years and one day to age 13
Age 13 and one day to age 17
Age 17 and one day to age 18
• Verse or poetry can rhyme or not. Write from two lines to 14 lines.
• Short-short stories must be less than 350 words.
•You can send a photo of your drawing or you an original photo.
Send your full name and your school or homeschool group.
Each person entering the contest receives a certificate if
you send your street address.
Email your entry to
Deadline: Midnight October 21
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