Another look: our voting suggestions for this year’s heavy crop of local ballot measures.
Yes on Measure E – School bond
Sonoma Valley Unified School District’s school facilities bond. 21st century education is harder to do in mid-20th century facilities held together with chewing gum and bailing wire.
Yes on Measure J — Sonoma County sales tax for Regional Parks
Accessible, safe outdoor places are increasingly important as development continues to consumes open space and agricultural land. Available to all, our regional parks provide recreational opportunities and enhance a sense of community.
Yes on Measure K — Community Separators
With constant pressure for endless growth, renewing Community Separators protects and creates green space critical to protecting the beauty, character and quality of life in the Valley from relentless development.
Yes on Measure L – Increase the County Transient Occupancy Tax
Tourists tax our environment, resources and our patience while enjoying our hospitality. It’s only right they should help pay the cost of maintaining the place where they visit but where we live.
Yes on Measure M – Ban the planting GMO crops in the County
Health pro’s & con’s of GMO’s aside, many county farmers have a lot invested in producing and marketing organic produce. Cross-pollination from GMO crops can ruin an organic crop, and once it happens there is no way back.
No on Measure U – Renew City of Sonoma sales tax
Our editorial explains why this tax deserves to expire as originally intended. More than Measure U, the City needs better leadership. Read our editorial against U.
Yes on Measure V – Ban gas-powered leaf blowers in Sonoma city limits
The insufferable noise and pollution of gas-powered leaf blowers have no place in densely populated environments. Clean-up can be accomplished just as well with quieter, non-polluting electric & battery-powered blowers and old-fashioned rakes and brooms, all of which will still be allowed when Measure V passes. No city that has banned gas blowers has experienced any aesthetic or economic downsides.
No on Measure W – Increase smoking restrictions in the city of Sonoma.
Current, comprehensive smoking restrictions seem sufficient. Enough is enough; there are more important issues to focus on. Plus, enforcement could be a problem for a City awash with tourists from places where smoking is still popular.
Yes on Measure Y – Sonoma County library tax
Libraries are about much more than borrowing books, they are public spaces open to all in a community without regard to social or economic status. They teach children the value of decorum and respecting others, and as well provide after-school tutoring programs. Libraries are, gratefully, non-commercial spaces that provide no-cost venues for authors and musicians to interact with the public. And getting a library card costs nothing.
Sun recommendations for Sonoma City Council
Currently, 75 percent of the TOT goes toward the county’s Advertising and Promotions Program, which promotes Sonoma County as a tourist destination. Whether or not Measure L passes, the Board of Supervisors must change the spending priority to use all, or at least half, of the TOT on roads, police, fire, the pension shortfall, etc. We must stop using taxpayers’ dollars to subsidize hotels’ and wineries’ advertising budget.