Because of new information regarding the traffic element of the Environmental Impact Report for the Sonoma hotel project, City Planning Director David Goodison has canceled tonight’s Planning Commission meeting.
Certifying the project’s EIR and granting the 62-room hotel final approval were the only items on the agenda, and seemed a certainty. But correspondence submitted yesterday on the EIR prepared for the hotel project, Goodison stated in a memo, “suggests that there may be a flaw in the traffic analysis, specially with regard to the left-turn warrant analysis.”
This a critical issue that must be addressed, he said. “Until additional analysis occurs, staff cannot say whether the current conclusions in the EIR regarding traffic impacts are accurate.”
Due to the uncertainly over this issue, he said he cannot recommend certification of the EIR at this time. “Therefore, the hearing on the EIR has been cancelled and will not be rescheduled until this question is fully investigated and resolved.”
Goodison said that as Planning Director, he apologizes for the inconvenience to the Planning Commission and to the public.

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