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Tri-Tip Trolley owners to open sit-down restaurant in Kenwood

TIPS Tri-Tip, owners of the Tri-Tip Trolley, announced today their plans to open a brick and mortar restaurant — called Tips Roadside –at the former Vineyard’s Inn location at the corner of Highway 12 and Adobe Canyon Rd.

Owners Andrew and Susie Pryfogle signed a long term lease yesterday. Plans for a spring 2017 opening are well under way.

TIPS Roadside will begin with breakfast and lunch service, featuring its popular Wine Country Comfort Food, now served at events from two trolleys, upon opening. Dinner service will be added later in 2017.

o“We have been dreaming about opening our own restaurant for many years,” said Susie Pryfogle. “Our Tri-Tip Trolley business has been so well received throughout the Wine Country. TIPS Roadside is our next step on this crazy adventure. We could not be more excited!”

TIPS Tri-Tip was the brainchild of Andrew Pryfogle in 2008, featuring his own unique ‘cubed’ tri-tip sando and addictive chipotle sauce. His mother grew up in Alabama, so Andrew was a rare Bay Area kid that grew up on Southern cooking.

“I’m really proud of the food we’ve been turning out on the Tri-Tip Trolley,” said Executive Chef Thaddeus Palmese, a 28-year veteran. “Now we get to really celebrate what we call Wine Country Comfort Food. I can’t wait to bring a bit of Southern inspiration to locally sourced ingredients, creating a menu that is unlike anything in the Valley.”

“When we found Thaddeus two years ago, we knew we had the perfect chef to help us launch this Wine Country Comfort Food concept,” commented Andrew.

The Tri-Tip Trolleys will now call TIPS Roadside home, and will continue to serve customers all over the North Bay at special events, festivals and farmers markets.

o-1 The Tri-Tip Trolley has already committed to serve as the anchor food vendor for the  2017 seasons of Broadway Under the Stars at Jack London State Park and Kenwood’s Funky Fridays at Hood Mansion.

Starting in early January, The Tri-Tip Trolley will be parked in front of TIPS Roadside for breakfast and lunch during construction of the restaurant. The Trolley post-up will serve as the test kitchen as Chef Thaddeus perfects the Roadside menu.

“We’re grateful for Cafe Citti’s and Palooza’s pioneering work in this community,” continued Andrew. “We can’t wait to play our part in making Kenwood the Valley’s premier destination for amazing food.”



    Mentions FF in all articles so far!!

  2. Jack Shmollie Jack Shmollie

    Mmmm BBQ !

  3. PK PK

    Great to hear that location will be back in business again soon. 🙂
    Does the remodel mean good by to that ancient indoor vine? 🙁

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