The new principal at Sassarini Elementary School in the fall will be a graduate of the school who is currently vice principal at Sonoma Valley High School, Andrew Ryan.
“Sassarini is where education all began for me,” Ryan said. “Now I get a chance to support and contribute to the Sassarini community the way it did for me!”
Ryan fills the administrative vacancy created by the resignation of the current Sassarini principal, Jacqui Parker. Parker had recently informed Superintendent Louann Carlomagno that she was looking for an administrative position closer to her home and family in Sausalito.
“Andrew has already had a distinguished career in education,” said Dan Gustafson, school board president. “As a former student at Sassarini and current resident in the school’s attendance area, he is particularly well-suited to step into this leadership role.”
Ryan attended Sonoma Valley schools including Sassarini Elementary School and Altimira Middle School, and graduated from Sonoma Valley High School.
Ryan earned his administrative credential in 2009. He received his Bachelors of Arts degree in Physical Education Chico State University in 2002, his teaching credential from Chapman University in 2004, and his Masters of Education in Curriculum and Instruction in 2005 also from Chapman University.
Andrew Ryan has served as vice principal at Sonoma Valley High School since 2011. Prior to SVHS, he taught at Altimira Middle School, beginning in 2003. Altimira, Ryan taught physical education, leadership, and health as well as served as athletic director.
As vice principal at Sonoma Valley High School, Andrew quickly became a key part of the administrative team overseeing a range of curricular areas and interscholastic sports, Carlomagno said. He has also been actively involved in the creation of the Freshman Teams, CTE courses including the Engineering Pathway, and the agriculture program.
Kathleen Hawing, principal of Sonoma Valley High School, said, “Andrew has proven to be a valuable member of the SVHS administrative team and his talents in working with staff, students, and community will be missed and quickly valued at Sassarini.”
The Ryan family is well represented in the school district. Mr. Ryan’s wife, Richelle, teaches mathematics and history at Adele Harrison Middle School; Andrew’s mother, Julie, teaches English at AHMS; and his brother-in-law, Doug Stewart, teaches in the special education department at SVHS.
The Ryan’s have three children: Jake, eight years old; Joe, five years old, and Olivia, three years old.
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