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Local representatives condem Trump’s decision to end DREAM act

Local representatives reacted today to President Trump’s decision to end the Deferred Action of Childhood Arrivals (DACA) initiative, a decision that could lead to nearly a million young people losing their right to work in this country, and potentially being deported.

Rep. Mike Thompson

110328_thompson_ap_328I strongly condemn President Trump’s decision to end the DACA initiative, creating fear and confusion for the 800,000 DREAMers in the United States. DREAMers embody and practice the best of our American values: hard work, patriotism, and action. They are our neighbors, colleagues, soldiers, educators, engineers, doctors, and entrepreneurs. They are as much a part of our communities and collective American story as any one of us.

I urge President Trump to reconsider this decision and act to defend DREAMers as he’s previously promised to do. As a Member of Congress, I will continue to do everything I can to protect DREAMers, including calling on House Republicans to bring the DREAM Act to the Floor for a vote.

Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar-Curry

mqdefaultToday, President Trump continued his Administration’s aggressive attack on immigrants when he turned his back on 800,000 undocumented young people by terminating DACA,” said Aguiar-Curry. “Rounding up law-abiding children will not make anyone safer. DREAMers, who were brought to this country as young children, have done nothing to deserve the President’s attacks. In most cases, these children have struggled to succeed, as Americans, in school, work, and in their communities.

This Administration has proven we cannot rely on today’s federal government to protect our neighbors, our coworkers, our friends, or the children in our schools. We must take on that responsibility ourselves,” the Assemblymember announced. “That is why I will vote in favor of the California Values Act (SB54) which prevents state and local law enforcement officials from becoming federal immigration officers. Instead, our local police and sheriffs can focus on their primary duty of keeping our neighborhoods safe. Driving victims and witnesses into seclusion will not help catch criminals.

 State Senator Mike McGuire

Mike-McGuire-160108-RMaybury826The young people who are at the heart of President Trump’s decision today have done nothing wrong. In many cases, America is the only home they have ever known and it is the country that they love. Dreamers are serving in our military and rescuing flood victims in Houston. They are small business owners and make California one of the most successful states in America.

Diversity is who we are in California. It’s what makes this state strong and our economy thrive. That is why California will stand with the 200,000 young people who are Dreamers in the Golden State and defend their rights and fight this cruel decision by our President in the halls of our capitol to the streets of our communities and in the court of law.”

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