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Another banner day for Sonoma Valley students

In addition to ringing Sonoma Plaza, ‘I Choose’ banners proudly fly at Sonoma Valley High School.

As part of the Sun’s series showcasing the K-12 public school students featured on the new “I Choose” banners that circle the Plaza, here are two more students, and their stories in their own words.

IChoose_Girl_wSATbook_PlazaBannerAnnika Ginter – junior

“Art is my escape – it’s where I free myself from expectations and relax. When I’m creating art my stress and anxiety go away. Art is something that has been part of my life since I was younger. I love working with my hands and find art gives me a different perspective of learning and opens up my creativity. I look forward to my time in Mr. Anderson’s Art class. This is my third year having him as a teacher and I’m drawn to his passion for art and the way he teaches. He provides guidelines to follow but allows room for us to maneuver and find our own way. He encourages me and pushes me to find new ways to be creative. When I travel, my family likes to go to museums. This past summer we visited the Salvatore Dali museum in Spain. I like the unique way he distorts figures but that they still resemble what they really are.”

IChoose_Boy_wLabGoggles_PlazaBannerJahssan Eriste – fourth grade

“My mom and dad encourage me to practice my reading. We read together at night and they help me understand the words I don’t know. Right now, we’re taking turns reading Black Beauty before bed. At home, I like to draw and write scary stories and keep them both in the same book. I first sketch my drawings with pencil and then color them in with my colored pencils. In my spare time, skate boarding is one of my favorite things to do. I have my own board with blue wheels. When I was around five years old, my cousin taught me how and I like to skate with her whenever I can. I feel brave when I skate down the steep ramp at the skate park.”

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