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Sonoma Valley death notices


Cary Francis Ammann, Sr., 82, of Sonoma, passed away January 25, 2018.

Davypheary Blitch, 34, of Sonoma, passed away January 10, 2018.

Janet Dey Brockway, 89, of Sonoma, passed away January 5, 2018.

Rose Patricia Byersdorfer, 89, of Sonoma, passed away January 6, 2018.

Jerry Dale Collins, 89, of Sonoma, passed away January 12, 2018.

Adelle Irene Cook, 97, of Sonoma, passed away January 15, 2018.

Ronald Wayne Cortez, 67, of Sonoma, passed away January 10, 2018.

Newton Francis Dal Poggetto, 95, of Sonoma, passed away January 5, 2018.

Evelyn Anne Diani, 96, of Sonoma, passed away January 9, 2018.

Albert Atterbury Fisk, 96, of Sonoma, passed away January 5, 2018.

Otto George Gramlich III, 77, of Sonoma, passed away January 30, 2018.

Deborah Lynn Greigg, 66, of Sonoma, passed away January 9, 2018.

Janet Ellen Hanford, 100, of Glen Ellen, passed away January 19, 2018.

Clara Ida Jenkins, 100, of Sonoma, passed away January 23, 2018.

James Michael Kirby IV, 48, of Sonoma, passed away January 4, 2018.

Nancy Carol Knoll, 78, of Sonoma, passed away January 12, 2018.

Nilda Mary Loftin, 82, of Sonoma, passed away January 7, 2018.

John Robert Masters, 91, of Sonoma, passed away January 1, 2018.

Dawn Marie Matheson, 62, of Sonoma, passed away January 13, 2018.

Marie Bordarchar Moulia, 93, of Sonoma, passed away January 31, 2018.

Bert Charles Christophe Murphy, 69, of Sonoma, passed away January15, 2018.

Muriel Olita Owen, 95, of Sonoma, passed away January 3, 2018.

Jeanette Irene Penrose, 61, of Sonoma, passed away January 11, 2018.

Shirley Ann Rasmussen, 93, of Sonoma, passed away January 4, 2018.

Rona Marie Rocha, 74, of Sonoma, passed away January 24, 2018.

Mary Carmain Schweiger, 75, of Sonoma, passed away January 20, 2018.

Phyllis Julia Serafini, 92, of Sonoma, passed away January 18, 2018.

June Dorothy Sheppard, 101, of Sonoma, passed away January 16, 2018.

Richard Brinsley Sheridan, M.D., 85, of Sonoma, passed away January 25, 2018.

Rosita Paula Verna, 91, of Sonoma, passed away January 27, 2018.

Katherine Angela Yannazzo, 79, of Sonoma, passed away January 24, 2018.

The Sun publishes death notices free of charge, to include basic information provided by the funeral home of record. Requests for more complete obituaries will be accepted as paid advertisements. For more information, call 933-0101.



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