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Sonoma Planning Director David Goodison Resigns

David Goodison, long time Planning Director in the City of Sonoma, surprised the Planning Commission Thursday night by announcing that he had turned in his resignation to the City Manager, effective August of this year. In remarks to the commission, Goodison explained that having gotten married last June, he’s realized that he needs to spend more time with his wife than his current job allows. Goodison is a regular participant in Planning Commission and City Council meetings, and spends countless hours in preparation for both.

Commissioners were surprised and expressed their appreciation for Mr. Goodison’s work and help to them in doing their job as commissioners. More than one commissioner said “It’s a loss,” and virtually all commissioners complimented Mr. Goodison for his dedication and hard work.

David Goodison began as an intern with the City as part of a program at Sonoma State, and over time moved up into his present position as a department head. In that capacity, he has worked with at least five City Managers over a 28-year period. As one of the longest-term city employees, he provides a substantial share of institutional memory, having been involved in notable projects, development decisions, General Plan updates and other relevant studies pertaining to planning. His departure will bring, in the words of one commissioner, “A new era.”


  1. George Thompson George Thompson

    I think Mr Goodison is making a smart move to spend more time with his wife… I think the City of Sonoma should throw a big party for him with city funds to thank him for years and years of hard work……..

  2. no way no way

    Wishing David the best. Gotta admire a guy who can get a new wife to support him — that shows how good he is at planning! 😉

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