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Editorial: Sonoma’s downtown parking puzzle

The streets surrounding Sonoma Plaza have long functioned like alleyways in a parking lot, but that “parking lot” is now woefully insufficient. Despite this, developers keep bringing forth plans that will make matters worse, driving downtown visitors and business employees ever deeper into the residential area streets surrounding the Plaza. The creation of truck delivery lanes in the middle of the block has further exacerbated an already congested situation and increased the potential for pedestrian injury. The big rigs make it difficult to see, and navigating between them and parked cars further obstruct the flow around the Plaza.

Even if one accepts that Plaza streets are merely alleyways in a parking lot, who designs a parking lot that includes big rigs?

This situation has been brewing for a long-time and despite certainty that it will get worse, no plans for a meaningful solution have been proposed. Unfortunately, past opportunities are now lost. Sonoma could have created a Downtown Parking District with tax and bond authority; if created 30 years ago by now it might have revenue available for some creative and meaningful solutions. Regretfully, such a district was never created and Sonoma has squandered the revenue potential of the past 30 years.

The Casa Grande lot (to the north of the Plaza) is owned by the State of California, which in the past has leased that lot to the City of Sonoma. At present, the lease has lapsed; negotiations with the State are ongoing and the outcome is unknown. The Casa Grande parking lot was originally intended to accommodate parking for visitors to the State Parks property fronting the Plaza; it was never built with the intention of satisfying the public parking needs of downtown Sonoma.

Every study done of Plaza parking over the past 30 years has documented that 50 percent of the parking spaces are occupied by employees of Plaza businesses. This naturally raises some red flags, but also the question that if not in Plaza parking spaces, where will Plaza employees park? The answer is obvious; employees will park on neighborhood streets where they are not limited to three hours, and that’s exactly what many of them do. Thus not only the Plaza, but the surrounding residential streets are becoming parking lots.

Let’s imagine a solution for a moment: an underground parking structure with two stories above ground south of the Plaza. Imagine if the City could cut a deal with the U.S. Postal Service to create a parking structure that would also house the Post Office. The parcel on which the Downtown Post Office sits is large, fronts two streets, and the combination of an underground level combined with a two-story above ground facility would capture cars before they reach the Plaza. Parking fees (lower for residents than non-residents) could finance the project over the long-term and could be used to pay-off 25-year construction bonds. Combine this plan with the possibility of a Downtown Parking District (generating revenue though development fees and Use-Permit regulations) and it might be possible to pull it off–not immediately, but soon enough to help forestall constant gridlock and monopolizing local neighborhood parking with Plaza overflow.

If not the Post Office, perhaps another suitable site can be found. One thing is for certain: unless the City of Sonoma gets serious and creative about addressing this problem, we’ll have created a parking puzzle that can’t be solved.

–Sun Editorial Board


  1. Robert Demler Robert Demler

    Multi-story parking garage with one level below ground- GREAT.
    Multi-story parking garage at the location of the Post Office-NOT GREAT.
    Because – not NIMBY but NIMFY!
    How about the multi-story parking garage with one level below ground at the site of the Casa Grande parking area?

    • David Eichar David Eichar

      The problem with adding any more parking space north of the Plaza, is that traffic then has to drive through the Plaza to get there.

  2. Giulia Giulia

    How about the huge parking lot at the Veterans’ Memorial Building and that field next to it where the parades get organized before heading into the square? They can both be accessed through 1st West AND 1st East and are easily within walking distance of the square businesses

    • Karin Skooglund Karin Skooglund

      No thank you to a huge parking lot next to the cemetery, ball fields, and Veteran’s building. In order to get there, cars will travel up and down 1st St. E. and further increase the already out-of-control congestion! Too bad the City didn’t acquire the soon-to-be developed lot at Broadway and MacArthur.
      Re walking more, all in favor, but would like to see more benches.

  3. George Thompson George Thompson

    I don’t ever have trouble parking downtown. The trucks unloading in middle of street are easy to deal with…
    This so called problem really does not exist..It is your imagination…. Let’s focus on real problems like affordable housing…
    and I have lived here since 87. Is there more cars ? YES. is that a problem… Not really.. Even on Tuesdays I don’t have a problem parking. Really only on 4th of July does it seem to be a problem…

  4. Jack Shmollie Jack Shmollie

    You tell em George !

    • George Thompson George Thompson

      I always do tell it like I see it

  5. Regina Regina

    This idea of making the post office parking lot a two story public lot is unconscionable, and it shocking the Sun would suggest it.

    The residents on First St. West are digested with the parking and traffic there and to saddle these people with more of a deplorable situation is non other then INSANE, which I’m beginning to think is the norm for many people governing this city.

    • George Thompson George Thompson

      Yes Regina. I agree with you.. If more people start to walk in town or take their bikes this problem is gone over night. Rather than spend millions on parking garages let us begin a campaign to encourage people to walk and ride their bikes. Everyone likes to get exercize !! Right…

    • David Eichar David Eichar

      Entry and exit could be on Broadway, even for the postal trucks, which would cut down traffic on 1st St W. A win-win. More parking and less traffic on 1st St We. So, Regina, would you still be against the plan if entry and exit were on Broadway, not 1st St W?

  6. Josette Brose-Eichar Josette Brose-Eichar

    Don’t know if the post office is the best spot or not. But, the idea of a parking structure is a good one. In Europe there are car parks outside of all the historic old towns. The only cars allowed in are locals. Many have a shuttle for those that can not walk into town. It seems to work very well. The small towns keep their charm and history and the tourists have an easy time finding a place to park.

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