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Arrests made in alleged ride-share rape

An extensive review of cell phone data and surveillance video, including images from the Golden Gate Bridge and local businesses, has led to the arrests of two men for the sexual assault of a woman kidnapped in San Francisco and driven to Sonoma.

This incident began on April 14 when a San Francisco woman got into what she thought was a ride-share car from a San Francisco bar. The suspects took her to Sonoma where she was beaten, choked and sexually assaulted by two men in the car near the Safeway parking lot. She eventually escaped and was helped by a store employee.

In custody are Fredi Analberto Lopez-Flores, 33, of Novato, on $2 million bail, and Christian Alejandro May Quintero, 24, of Sonoma. Quintero, who is also charged with attempted murder in the case, is being held without bail.

Detectives believe the victim was waiting for a ride share when Lopez-Flores drove up next to her. Quintero allegedly got out of the car and forced her into the back seat car where he violently beat her during the drive to Sonoma.

Once in Sonoma, the suspects pulled over in a shopping center across from Safeway where Quintero continued to attack and sexually assault the victim, according to the Sheriff’s report. While this occurred, Lopez-Flores walked to the gas station and bought a condom – a purchase logged on video, police say — and then got into the back seat and sexually assaulted the woman.

A warranted search of Quintero’s home, located about one block from the crime scene, found physical evidence of the crime, said Sgt. Spencer Crum.

The investigation involved over 2,000 hours of staff time and approximately 20 search warrants written and issued, Crum said. It took detectives to nine different counties, ultimately identifying Lopez-Flores’ car and tracking its movements throughout the night of the crime.


  1. Michael Michael

    Can someone please update this story, primarily the immigration status and those involved in the case. The perps Facebook page shows him as a MS13 Member by his Hand Gestures.
    This is our Neighborhood not their Personal territory and several people are now asking our Airbnb Account if our neighborhood is indeed safe

  2. Jack Shmollie Jack Shmollie

    Some real scum buckets these two .

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