Sun on the Street asked: What was your favorite costume ever?
Quentin Cohen
My Pink Freud costume! I dressed all in pink and wore a Pink Floyd shirt (my favorite band). I grew out my beard and hair and dyed them grey, and tried to affect a German accent. I also tried to analyze people.
Phyllis Mosher
When I was in kindergarten I was a cowgirl. I actually carried a holster and toy gun. Unfortunately I was called to the principal’s office, and I cried. My mom had to come and get me and I was so humiliated. She took the gun and I got to go back to class.
Pegge Bastress
My Harvest Queen costume. I wore a beautiful Renaissance style dress in red velvet. I made bracelets and a necklace with vines, and a crown with a pumpkin on it.
Margaret Hatcher
A few years ago, I was a very glamorous witch, with a wart on my nose, green skin and all.
Tyree Saldana
I remember dressing up as the Fonze. I had a leather jacket and big hair. Halloween is a great time of year.
Chris Petlock
When I was four or five I was a clown. It was my dad’s costume and his mom had made it for him. It was purple and blue with oversized sleeves and pom pom balls down the front.

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