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Home and heart; creeping socialism; and the power of pot

For Sonoma’s homeless, winter ended, suddenly yet as planned, on March 31. It wasn’t about the weather or the pretty flowers, but a cap on County funding. As in, money to Sonoma Overnight Support to maintain its Winter Shelter program at Sonoma Alliance Church. The vital service (1,154 bed nights, 1,234 meals) saw an 11% increase in use this year, its fourth. There was some crime-fearing guff early on this year from a neighbor of the church, himself a felon, who worried about home values or some such nonsense. But advocates (City, County, Sheriff, etc.) stepped in to make sure the space was as secure as it was warm and dry. The success was celebrated March 31 with a candlelight ceremony at the church. Some 150 people gathered in thanks. A highlight, a group sing-along with the band The Gathering — Amazing Grace sung to the tune House of the Rising Sun. High on community spirit and hot chocolate, SOS’ Kathy King is “optimistic that the winter shelter will continue next year.”

Let’s continue remembering Lilla Weinberger, a doer of good still. Contributions in her name, the family said, may be made to Sonoma Overnight Support, the Sebastiani Theatre Foundation, or the National Democratic Redistricting PAC, adding “and if you can’t give money, remember to vote.”… Of the countless tributes, her friend Calvin Crosby wrote, “Lilla both personally and professionally leaves a hole I can’t imagine anyone ever filling. Her graciousness, intelligence, and her political awareness can never be replaced.” So read a book!

After 70 years of doing business in Sonoma Valley, Bob Piazza is packing up his Price Pump business and moving to Idaho. Many of his employees are going, too. Sonoma is not business friendly, he decided, what with all the “excessively invasive” regulations. Things like rules about his private water well, and the specter of paying $15 an hour to his employees. “This business and jobs exodus will continue and intensify, as you elect more and more socialists to government,” he maintains. “Progressive (socialist) ideals and imposed actions are destroying this state… look to Puerto Rico and Venezuela as a peek into California’s future.” What’s next, a moratorium on Sonoma wine tasting rooms, and a ban on cancer-causing pesticides? Wait, those happened? Next stop, Caracas!

Legal weed may end up boosting your energy bill. The illegal grows of the pre-gummy era, it turns out, used a lot of power. But now that pot ag is legal, it’s going big time, consolidating and moving to cheaper counties. The unexpected result, says the Sonoma Clean Power, is a revenue drop of $10 million. Can we blame the socialists?

— Val Robichaud


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One Comment

  1. No Way No Way

    Bob Piazza driven out of Sonoma Valley by . . . rampant Socialism??? This gives rise to many questions, not the least of which is: Why didn’t rampant Socialism start sooner? And, What will happen to his warehouse full of MAGA hats?

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