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Sonoma Valley fourth graders make history at the Mission

What do Sonoma Valley fourth graders make of local history? For the school district’s annual California History Project, they make models, maps and exhibits, all inspired by Sonoma’s mission era. 

A year’s worth of research, discovery, and imagination from over 200 Valley students, representing six schools, is on display through May at Sonoma State Historic Park.

The museum, known as The Barracks, is located at the corner of East Spain Street and First Street East in Sonoma, open every day from 10am-5pm. There is no charge for admission.


Young history buff Claire Cannariato.

New this year, participating students are showcasing their projects in person on May 19, from 1pm-3pm.

After studying both indigenous life in California and the motivations and practices of European explorers to the new world, fourth grade students investigate what happens when two different cultures intersect:  what impact did this encounter have upon Native peoples, Spanish missionaries and military, the Spanish/Mexican Settler population, and California’s natural environment?



One Comment

  1. Richard VandenBrul Richard VandenBrul

    The wonderful realty of Sonoma is the original buildings which bear witness to Sonoma’s history are still there. The last mission church, military housing and the Plaza make Sonoma a California treasure. While present during the October 2017 fires, I thought how tragic a lose the burning of Sonoma would be as it was the location of the Bear Flag Republic.

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