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Letter: Anonymous mailer is unethical, cowardly


How dismayed I was to find a mailer – with a Los Angeles postmark – in my mailbox today charging unethical behavior by one of our local politicians… And the mailer hid behind anonymity to make that charge! No “paid for by…” credit. No political organization took credit. No return address. No phone number. No website. No balls!

Unethical?! The mailer is the definition of unethical.

Was this mailer a form of revenge driven by a city council decision to overturn a planning committee decision? No one knows because the person or persons who wrote it, designed it, and paid for the printing and mailing took no credit.

Unethical, indeed! Oh, and cowardly. Very, very, very cowardly. Shame on the anonymous mailer.We do, indeed, deserve better from the cowards.

Greg Brennan, Sonoma


  1. Erica Tuohy Erica Tuohy

    Well said Greg!

  2. Cody Wheeler Cody Wheeler

    I don’t live in town anymore and did not receive a mailer, any link to, or picture of the mailer?

    • Sonoma Valley Sun Sonoma Valley Sun Post author |

      A picture has been added. As for the text, we’ll wait for the authors to identify themselves. Hard to treat their (nearly incomprehensible) argument seriously when they won’t even stand behind it.

  3. Trish the Sarcastic Turtle Islander Trish the Sarcastic Turtle Islander

    We’re on the same page Greg. I got that nasty flier too, noticed the lack of any contact info – not even a faux astroturf org name on it like “Citizens for Responsible Banking” or whatever Koch-approved focus group verbiage. Interesting. I also wondered if it was petty revenge for some planning decision. I also recall someone a while back had posted private photos of the mayor, and I think it is that person again. (Persistent little Hetheduwala aren’t they?)

  4. John H. Smith John H. Smith

    Looks like the HOA you were president of Erica Tuohy didn’t have to resort to this type of mailer to recall your poor leadership and excessive spending.

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