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Wildlife amid the nightlife

Anabelle Hunter, Ash Ward, and Suzanne Olson, representing Sonoma Valley High School’s Wildlife Center, introduce their honored reptilian guests to patrons of the Red and White Ball. 

The annual fundraiser for the Sonoma Valley Education Foundation was held August 24 on the Sonoma Plaza, and included displays of funding in action, including a student-built electric car, and the Wildlife Center, located in teacher Elisha Coons’ science classroom, with snakes, chinchillas, chameleons, tarantulas, hamsters, and more.

Much of the learning is done by teaching younger kids, Anabelle said. “One thing I’ve found very helpful is we have elementary students come to our class. We are the ones who teach them, and that really helps because when we teach it means we have to really understand it.” Olson agrees, “I’m finding even as I teach I’m learning more and more,” as does Ash, “I went from not knowing anything about snakes to being able to actually teach about snakes.”

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