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How to start a new life after quitting smoking or vaping

“Do not be afraid of change. You may lose something good, but you may also gain something great.”

We always take pains to change our lives for the better. It is painful, but any change is a personal growth. Giving up a harmful practice is one of the examples. People try to do it as much as possible. They fail. They try again. They fail again and try again. It goes in a circle until they succeed. 

However, the hidden rock is the question “What is next?”. When trying to change our lives, people tend not to have clear steps of what to do next. They know their goal, but no the direct steps. For example, desiring for sober life might not consciously include the rehab or other steps.

We are simply humans and for us habit means a lot. The best e cigarettes (go here) often become our best friends. Therefore, when we get rid of the habit of vaping, we are disappointed, perplexed, aimless, bewildered. The feeling of happiness because of success can be substituted with frustration.

“You never change your life until you step out of your comfort zone; change begins at the end of your comfort zone.” — Roy T. Bennett

The problem with changes is that you get outside the usual situation. For some people, it is even more difficult than giving up nicotine consumption itself. The body may have no withdrawal for the substance, but the brain needs the best e cigarette and a company of friends from time to time.

Throwing away the best E cigarette is not enough. Starting a new life might become a real problem for a person. This is the reason for rehabs and behavioral therapy to be so popular. A person needs support, comprehension, and compassion to fight the addiction and come out victorious.

“It’s Always Darkest Before the Dawn” — Thomas Fuller

Having quit, it is important to remember that it is a difficult path and the days of withdrawal, doubts, and complicated feelings will change with beautiful, pleasant moment of your life. Giving up smoking can bring dozens of joyful experiences and activities that you have never done before.

To exemplify this statement, you need to understand that avoiding cigarettes and the best e cigs consumption can be beneficial in a number of ways. Firstly, you will become stronger in body and mind. The hours of jogging, bicycling, hiking, and so on will bring you much more pleasure than hours with the best e cigarettes.

Secondly, freedom from smoking or vaping can positively affect your budget. For sure, putting aside the sum of money that you have always spent on cigarettes of liquids for the best electronic cigarette would not be enough to buy a luxury loft, but you will be able to afford an additional small trip with your family or friends.

Thirdly, refusal of smoking and vaping can be rewarding in terms of purity of reactions of the body. For example, if you are taking some kind of medications, you are unlikely to face the same reaction of the body as you did being a smoker. The con is that digestive process takes more time, but the pro is lack of nicotine impact.

Fourthly, we have to talk about the fact that is, probably, the most important one. Both smoking and vaping badly influence a person’s health. Unfortunately, it is impossible to avoid the negative effects of the processes for the respiratory, immune, cardiovascular and other systems of the human body. 

However, there positive news is that a body starts recovering almost already after you switch your best e cigarette off. It is scientifically proved that healing processes start in twenty minutes after your last cigarette. For sure, it is impossible to restore all the damaged cells in your body, but we can talk about immediate improvements.

“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”

Having read this information, you may still see a new way as vague and off target. Start with try to apply this information to yourself in a certain way. To get rid of all the negative feelings and define a new goal and steps that you have to take. For example, to swim cross a river. You will definitely need some trainings and other stuff. These are the steps you have to take for a new life to begin.

The thing is that life after quitting is about some withdrawals. Nicotine does not want to leave you alone. It will keep remembering about itself at any opportunity. The symptoms of withdrawal include many more peculiarities but the urge to smoke. The most common characteristics include the urge to snack, disturbances in sleeping patterns, irritation and similar psychological states.

The other characteristics are less evident and deal with other body systems. For example, digestive system might react by constipations, respiratory system – by cough, immune system – by dizziness. These symptoms are less common than the evident feeling of a junkie, who cannot help their desire to smoke, but they also take place and it is better to think over you behaviour in case you experience them.

To overcome this stage you have to make a list of all the triggers that cab bring you back to the harmful practice and eliminate them all. The other important point is to minimize stress. Make your life full of positive emotions and ask your friends, family, or a partner for an assistance in this question. Visualise your dreams – create an imaginary situations of your happiness in your head and think of making them real.

Defining a new goal can distract your attention from the wish to come back to best e cigarettes. You can get the Pax 3 at 180 Smoke. Your goal does not have to be ambitious (like building a house), but it should take your time daily and you should be really into the process. Be it baking cakes, helping orphans, planting the roses, it must become a part of your soul. The rehabs, for instance, offer yoga classes, equine therapy, or other similar activities.

A new beginning is always a difficult step, but as it goes, people are not woods of trees; they can change the surrounding conditions. If you have already done the first step towards new life and quit smoking or vaping, be persistent. Draw a plan of your ‘new way’ and move directly to the happiness that you will definitely find after becoming well and truly sober from nicotine. Do not be afraid if the way is bumpy. Every difficulty on your way provides you with the opportunity to grow, to become a better version of yourself.



  1. As schools across Canada report an increase in youth vaping and emerging data indicates the practice is on the rise

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