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The benefits of using renewable energy

Posted on April 11, 2020 by Sonoma Valley Sun


Renewable energy is no longer just a buzzword. It continues to prove itself to be a dynamic field of opportunity. The different types of renewable energy have been providing people with jobs as well as bringing energy to people who live in remote areas. The many benefits of using renewable energy are revolutionizing the playing field all around the world.

Types of renewable energy

Wind power is one of the cheapest sources of energy today. The cost for building the windmill will vary with the size of it but in general, this cost is more than made up for by the power each windmill can produce, which is a lot of power on a windy day. 

Solar energy is an energy source with great potential because it can tap directly into the primary energy source of our planet, the sun. To begin learning about this dynamic field, visiting a solar website for the latest news about the emerging technology in the renewable energy industry is a great first step. It will keep you abreast of improvements in the design and efficiency of solar panels and their operating systems.

Other sources of renewable energy are geothermal power plants that tap into escaping heat from deep within the earth and biomass sources which is the energy that is processed from organic waste or fuel distilled from plants.

Renewable energy is non-polluting, therefore safe. Generating energy that is renewable helps reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and air pollution. Air pollution caused by coal, oil, and gas plants is a factor for people having breathing problems, heart attacks, and neurological damage. Renewable energy sources are also referred to as clean energy.

There are four clear benefits of using renewable energy:

Renewable energy contributes to the halt of climate change

Greenhouse gases act as a blanket that traps heat in the atmosphere. This causes a chain reaction of harmful effects such as drought and increased forest fires in some places. This phenomenon may have steadfastly been denied by people in some sectors but the scientific evidence of greenhouse gases rising and climate change is well documented and clear. This increase of trapped heat in the atmosphere has caused polar ice to melt which will result in sea-level rise and stronger storms. Mass extinction is possible if this trend is not halted and reversed.

Renewable energy is a way for people to diversify their energy supply for energy independence

Renewable energy allows people and even countries to diversify their energy supply. Enovatek solar air conditioners have become the preferred choice for homeowners and businesses thanks to their reliability, low installation costs and excellent cooling outputs. The goal is to reduce dependence on imported fossil fuels whose prices will inevitably rise because they are finite energy sources. This follows the logic of not keeping your eggs in one basket especially if someone else controls that basket. Energy independence is important because it gives us self-sufficiency.

Renewable energy creates jobs 

All renewable energy sources represent job opportunities. Whether it is to make giant wind turbines out at sea or in a valley or to install solar panels on rooftops or even a large plant in the desert, these systems need people to work on them. This is a new wave of opportunity. Oil drilling and processing, taking preserved energy from deep within the earth, and processing it to become useful, represented a wave in the energy revolution. But that wave is running its course and the new wave of renewable energy is on the rise now.


Given the diverse solutions provided by the developments in renewable energy, it is up to homeowners and countries to make the best energy choices. The energy revolution is underway. There are already many families, businesses, and countries that have invested in and made the shift to renewable energy sources. The knowledge and technology about this development is rapidly being shared and improved, so it is up to us to reap the benefits of renewable energy.


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