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Convincing a loved one to undergo rehab

Posted on May 20, 2020 by Sonoma Valley Sun

When someone you care about is going through addiction or engaging in self-destructing behavior, you cannot just stand by and watch. The first thing you should do is convince your loved one to seek rehab. You can expect that no matter how caring and pure your intention is, they can respond with doubt and unwillingness to cooperate. It is important then that you are firm and clear with your objectives so you can see it through. This is the best help you can do for someone else, so you have to be convincing enough to make them get the help they need. 

Support and Presence

There are various ways you can show support and one is by being present in the journey of your loved one. It doesn’t have to be physically there but constantly asking them how they are doing and communicating with them often are great ways. Encourage them to take the necessary actions to better their situation. You can be like their cheerleaders who will cheer them on without meddling directly into their affair. They must feel the assurance that their family ties and relationships are not compromised and that they can go back to their normal lives with everyone still willing to welcome them and take them back. It has been known that family and friends are some of the reasons why people like to get better.

Making Intervention Plans

One way you can convince someone to go to rehab is when you actually have a drug intervention plan to present rather than just purely talking. Having a plan means that there are things you can actually do to make them better and that these plans are palpable and possible. Include in the plans the things you think are happening so you can provide grounding first with the reality and situation. Next is to list down the possible actions that can be done and their benefits to address the problems. Finally, you can discuss the outcomes and possibilities that will happen if they seek treatment. There must be an actual plan they can follow so they can always refer back to these reasons when things are becoming difficult for them.

Explore Options

There are so many things you can do for the person, but when you do make plans, you have to take into consideration the things he wants and needs. You are most likely going to end up with more cooperation and willingness if they can explore options and find the best places for them to seek treatment. Always choose a place that will provide them with the familiarity they need, opening the possibility of opting for a luxury treatment center, which includes recreational facilities where they can still enjoy health and gym facilities, comfortable ambiance, and the feeling of being in a home. Gone are the days when rehabs feel like hospitalization where there are no traces of normalcy in them. Nowadays, luxury rehab could feel like going on a holiday and coming back better and renewed. 

Set Boundaries and Goals

The way to helping someone else is by protecting your position without being dragged into the pit yourself. You have to set healthy boundaries that will help your loved one earn a sense of control over their actions, but do this delicately and lovingly. For example, do not allow them to interact with you and your family if they are under the influence and remove all unhealthy substances from the house. Encourage them to clean up after themselves and give them responsibilities as well. Establish goals they can accomplish and make them see it through by giving caring but firm nudges. 

Ending the Stigma

Rehabs still have a stigma in them, which makes people uncomfortable when in talks of going to one. Even if it is quite difficult to end this and make your loved one feel that there is nothing wrong with taking this step, you must be void of the negative notions that come with it yourself. Make them realize that this is just like going to the doctor for when you break your bones. Making this as normal as possible can convince them to give it a go. 


Being supportive and firm with your intention is enough to help get someone out of their shell and go towards treatment and betterment. You can help your loved one by giving them opportunities to take action on their situation. Above everything, your genuineness and realistic plans can help them make it through.

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