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Sonoma Police will continue to enforce C-19 health orders

The City of Sonoma will continue to follow and enforce the County of Sonoma public health orders, contrary to Sheriff Mark Essick’s new policy of ignoring the rules.

“The Sonoma Police Department Chief will follow direction from the Sonoma City Council and City Manager regarding enforcement of the public health orders,” according to a post on the city’s Facebook page.

The city contracts with the Sheriff’s Office to run its police department. So, although Chief Orlando Rodriguez and members of his force are Essick’s employees, the City maintains the final say on policy. Outside of city limits, the Sheriff’s dictate applies.

Essick on Friday reaffirmed his order that his officers stop enforcing the County’s public health order regarding Covid-19 as of June 1. The rules place undue restrictions “on our freedoms,” he said in an open letter posted Thursday on the department’s Facebook page. “I can no longer in good conscience continue to enforce (them).

Our earlier story has Essick’s full statement.


One Comment

  1. Michael McFarland Michael McFarland

    Thank you Sheriff for following common sense and reason.

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