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Get ‘Up’ and out at Sonoma drive-in movie event

The movie Up will be screened as a drive-in theatre experience on Friday, July 3, at Sonoma Skypark on Eighth Street East. The event, one of the first true community gatherings since March, is presented by the Sonoma International Film Festival.

All social distancing and safety protocols will be maintained when gates open at 7 p.m.

The outing includes popcorn and food (which must be pre-ordered), live music with The John Burdick Band, beverages, raffle, gift bag and more.
Location: Sonoma Skypark, 21870 Eighth St. East. Ticket price is $30-$40 per car. All the details. (UPDATED LINK)


  1. Tim Tim

    The embedded link does not go to a page that offers information specific to this event.

  2. Reynalda ortega Reynalda ortega

    Adonde puedo comprar boletos? La paguina no da mas informacion.

  3. Robin Soukesian Robin Soukesian

    it says saturday july 3 but july 3 is a friday so is this event friday or saturday?

    • Sonoma Valley Sun Sonoma Valley Sun Post author |

      Thanks. Has been corrected to Friday, July 3. There is another film, same style event, on July 4.

  4. Faithe Simpson Faithe Simpson

    How do you preorder food for this event? There is no information on the link provided…

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