In my short (and long) lifetime, I and others of my ilk have endured…..
Surviving an unknowing womb of drink and smoke
Crawling under school desks for the A-Bomb
No swimming in pools to avoid polio
Breathing second-hand parental smoke
Having mercury in the fillings for our cavities
Overdosing on penicillin to cure anything
Running behind mosquito fog machines
Suffering too many severe sunburns
Learning propaganda as historical fact
Being shot and killed by the National Guard
Trying to survive the everlasting Vietnam lie
Dodging police water cannons, rubber bullets and tear gas
Adjusting to the fickleness of Political Correctness
Understanding that true justice costs too much for most
Watching a National Election being publicly stolen
Mourning the abandonment of the ‘will of the people’
Learning about yellowcake and the LBGTQIA+ wedding cake
Transitioning from helpful skin color to a challenged one
Understanding that forgiveness has lost its cachet
Realizing that all organized religion is utterly a sham
Realizing that no level of government can be trusted
Living like a troglodyte in the comfort of one’s home
Forfeiting the joys of physical touch with others
Saying a sad farewell to the American Dream
…and, if these life-shaping experiences were not destructive enough, we are now faced with a traitorous presidency and an out-of-control plague that may sneak into our homes any day
Is it no wonder that I and my contemporaries are suffering from Generational PTSD?
— Robert C. Demler, Jr., Sonoma
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