Sonoma Plaza is taking on a more European flavor as the Sonoma Al Fresco program allows restaurants to expand onto sidewalk and street space to cope with Covid-19 safety rules.
The promotional initiative allows businesses “to remain open and patrons to enjoy Sonoma’s al fresco experiences while maintaining safe areas for pedestrians.”
Businesses may provide new or expanded service facilities in the following locations:
- On sidewalks or public on-street parking spaces (parklets) in front of the business;
- Outdoor patios, nearby alleys, courtyards, alcoves, or neighboring property (with neighbor agreement); and/or
- In the Sonoma Plaza park seating area.

All new or expanded outdoor facilities must comply with applicable Sonoma County Public Health, Alcohol and Beverage Control (ABC), and California Department of Public Health (CDPH) requirements and regulations.
Businesses that are interested in expanding their facility should submit a Sonoma Al Fresco Pre-Application. Once the application is reviewed by the City of Sonoma’s Planning Department, a virtual meeting with the applicant will be scheduled to discuss the conditions that must be met in order to proceed.
For questions on the Sonoma Al Fresco Program please email or call 707-938-3681.
It’s already snarling traffic for cars & for pedestrians trying to navigate the sidewalks without stepping into traffic to keep social distance from the unmasked diners. But at least it’s good weather for catching the COVID.
Traffic flows around the plaza can easily be improved — and we can still help eateries and businesses there at the same time.
Make the plaza one-way, clockwise. Allow businesses to operate in the lane closest to them.
While we’re at it, make E Napa St one-way, westbound from 4th St E, and E Spain St one-way, eastbound to 4th St E.
Give the businesses on E Napa St and E Spain St one of the lanes…
And move tourist parking south of town, instead of behind the barracks…
Call it a temporary effort for now and see how it goes. If it’s horrible, we go back to “normal” when we – um – get back to normal, whatever that is.