Halloween is the latest victim of the cancel culture. First off, those costumes are offensive to many, such as ghosts, who see their whole afterlife culture being misappropriated. But mainly, canceled as in postponed due to raging virus. Health officials have banned parties, and strongly discourage any trick-or-treating. And this on the one night when everybody wears a mask. Irony and mini-Snickers bars, anyone?
A warning to voters poking around the internet for info on local ballot measures. It’s not Russian-grade sophistication, but there’s some sneaky disinformation out there that’s pretty sleazy, and possibly illegal. Like the so-called Sonoma for Transparent Justice. It’s pro-Measure P, the measure to strengthen oversight of the Sheriff’s Department. More troublesome than its bogus claims that P would defund the department (not true), is the fact the site/group is collecting donations. It is not registered as a political org, though it poses as one, and there are no names (committee officers, funders, etc.) to be found. Transparency. Right… Elsewhere, another site has appropriated the Sonoma Strong message for its own use, a cause unrelated to firefighting… Meanwhile, promoting its own agenda with a fake ‘voter guide,’ another (misleadingly-named) group claims to be a grassroots effort of and for the people. Yet and of course, it’s completely anonymous. Contemptible political manipulation? There’s a .com for that.
With election ballots arriving in local post offices this week, the County has placed a drive-thru drop box at the Sonoma Valley Regional Library, 755 W. Napa St. The other two official boxes are at the Glen Ellen and Kenwood fire stations. Mail-in ballots will be taken 24/7. Hopefully, the election results will be accepted as easily.
The City of Sonoma cut its budget by $1.1 million, but its contract for fire and emergency medical services is intact and keeps in place three firefighter/paramedic positions added last year under a federal grant. Fire & Rescue has been able to add a total of 12 firefighter/paramedics, including three at the City station… On the County level, the El Verano Sheriff’s substation survived budget cuts, as did the Henry 1 helicopter team.
First responders have been incredibly busy, but local police and firefighters managed a special ‘aw shucks’ moment when Augie, a big fan, turned five years old. On his birthday, squad cars and a fire engine did a slow-roll past his home, and got a wave and a beaming smile in response… Dicky the Sonoma police dog has retired from the force. He had a major neck surgery earlier this year, then a cancer scare. “He powered through,” went the post. “Thankfully he’s a fighter and on the road to recovery.” It‘s been an endlessly tough year for everyone. But, “for those keeping track: Dickie: 2, 2020: 0.”
— Val Robichaud, page3@sonomasun.com
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