The Sebastiani Theatre’s annual holiday production, with a range of local acts, musicians, dancers and performers, always was like an old-fashioned TV show (looking at you, Andy Williams).
Hosted by Roger and Diana Rhoten, starting December 20, the Special Musical Holiday show is a welcome gift of pre-cable NBC in a Netflix world, with appearances by (deep breath) Tommy Thomsen, Sean Carscadden, Jon Burdick, Sheila Whitney, John Partridge, Dave Aguilar, Peter McCauley, Bob Gossett, Images in Motion, Izzy Hubbard, Sara Lake, Luis Contreras, Dawn Angelosante, Tony Gibson, Laura Benward, Miles Lake, Jeff Gilbert and Cat Austin. Santa Claus will make the scene, and the theatre’s Christmas-village decorations (by Susan Bellach) will be on glorious display.
The production debuts — free — on Sunday, December 20, after 5 p.m. at
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