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I am no less of a person

When I was born, there was a two percent chance of me living. I didn’t know at the time but there was a reason why, and I didn’t know until I was ten years old that I have an illness called Turner Syndrome. There is no cure or anything for it, it’s something that I live with and it can’t go away.

It doesn’t mean I am any less of a person, doesn’t even mean I’m different, it is just something that makes me unique and one of a kind, because I am missing a chromosome in my body and had trouble growing. So I had to give myself hormone treatment injections every day for six years starting when I was ten. 

Everyone has something they are dealing with. The reason why I am sharing this is that everyone has a story and people should keep that in mind before they decide to judge. I am proud of who I am as a person, but I can tell you it’s not easy and it hasn’t been easy in the least, but this was meant to be my journey.

— Olivia Gregory, Sonoma

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One Comment

  1. I have loved you and enjoyed watching you grow since you were in Kindergarten, Olivia.
    I’m so proud of you and grateful that you are sharing from your heart in this way.
    Bravo, my girl…well done! 💕

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