A young volunteer crew hard at work along Nathanson Creek, at a previous Sonoma Ecology event. Photo: SEC.
Sonoma Ecology Center’s “Earthling” Teen Volunteer Group hosts a COVID-safe Earth Day celebration and creek cleanup at Nathanson Creek Preserve on Saturday, April 24, 9 am -noon.
The event is open to people of all ages and there will be a variety of activities to safely participate in, from the scavenger hunt and seed planting (take home a pollinator sprouting cup) to cleaning up trash along the creek and beautification of the native plant garden.
The main activities, and the start of the creek cleanup, will be at the Nathanson Preserve Demonstration Garden at the corner of 2nd Street West and East MacArthur Street. (Please do not park in the MacArthur Place lot.). Social distancing protocols will be in effect in all areas.
RSVPs are required. For questions or to register, please contact Tony Passantino, SEC education program manager, at tony@sonomaecologycenter.org.
Volunteers for the clean-up are asked to bring their own water and to wear comfortable shoes and layered clothes they don’t mind getting dirty. Organizers will provide litter grabbers, garbage bags, buckets, and gloves; volunteers may bring their own work gloves and plastic bags if they have them.
After the cleanup event, recyclables will be separated from trash and the trash weighed and recorded.
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