To ensure the entire community has an opportunity to be vaccinated, Sonoma Valley Community Health Center (SVCHC) in collaboration with Sonoma County Department of Public Health will offer COVID-19 Pop-Up Vaccine Clinics throughout Sonoma Valley.
Currently, SVCHC is hosting Pop-Up Vaccine Clinics at (La Luz Center 707-938-5131) and has hosted pop-ups at Sonoma Mission Inn and Sebastiani Winery as well as providing vaccines at Sonoma Vets Hall four days per week.
Through April, SVCHC had provided over 16,000 doses, fully vaccinated about 7,550 people.
Now, local groups, business, neighborhoods, churches, etc. can host their own pop-up. They would need to provide the location and assist with marketing the pop-up while SVCHC will provide staffing, vaccine and complete all required paperwork. Hosts must be willing to hold a second dose clinic four weeks after the first dose.
Clinics will be open to 16 and older depending on the vaccine availability (please note that the minimum age is based on current FDA requirements and is subject to change). Insurance is not required, identifications are preferred and walk-ins are welcome.
To host a pop-up or to get more information, please contact SVCHC by sending an email to
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