For the past two years of COVID-19, Sonoma artist William Sig Rundstrom has experienced a creative surge. It’s all about the Mojo, he says.
By Jonathan Farrell —
“Just when I think I’m slowing down after a few paintings, I get another push of energy and I’m back in the creative zone again. I’ve never done this amount of work, it’s perhaps the most productive time of my life.”
Becoming a member of the Arts Guild of Somoma last year was an honor. And, now as the New Year has begun, he’s pleased with his new work in the current show at the Guild gallery on East Napa Street.
To categorize him as an “abstract painter” is shortsighted as Gail Duffley, speaking on behalf of Guild, explained. “What struck the committee was the passion and fearlessness of Sig’s work.”
‘The Guild’ goes through an extensive process when admitting new members, she said. And then selecting pieces of work to display in the Guild’s Gallery is another process. “When the Guild reviews an artist’s work we are looking for a body of work and vision from the artist that is demonstrated in the work.”
“We also care about quality of the work and look for art to meet the highest standards,” she said. “Prior to Sig joining the Guild five of our artists were screened into the De Young Museum anniversary show, she added. Quite an honor for us here in Sonoma, a small, local Guild.”
Unassuming and approachable, Rundstrom likes to be called ‘Sig’ by friends and colleagues. The beauty of the Sonoma Valley has captivated him and his wife Charlene for decades. It’s Sig’s fascination with that natural beauty that keeps his art alive — perhaps with or without the infusion of a what he calls ‘Mr. Mojo.’
Along with his work “Alterity” in the new show is a series on called “Magenta Red.”
When asked if this was a still-life painting put together during a sunrise or sunset out in a field or vineyard, in Somoma Sig clarified. “I just fell in love with the color of the Magenta red paint and once I started putting the paint on the canvas which had to be worked rapidly, said Sig. The work just evolved. It had nothing to do with time of the day, evening or sunrise but all to do with my mind at that time.”
“Alterity… and Magenta Red, said Sig are both what I like to call ‘mind paintings’ he said, as they are done entirely from my mind and evolve as I am painting them.”
“There are no underlying sketches or preliminary drawings or photo references,” he add.
Unlike primary red, Magenta red is unique, according to some art critics and historians. “Magenta is the color of universal harmony and emotional balance, says Matthew Sheridan, an expert in digital color sensing technology. “Magenta contains the passion, power and energy of red, restrained by the introspection and quiet energy of violet. It promotes compassion, kindness and cooperation. The color magenta is a color of cheerfulness, happiness, contentment and appreciation.”
Sig’s use of such a distinct type of red does make a statement.

“Art is emotional said Duffley. And, we look for that spirit to show in the work. The artist is putting him or herself into the work in the hopes that the viewer is drawn in and reacts to the work whether provoked or contemplative.”
Taken aback by such bold hues of red, and yet very impressed, Duffley noted.
Shying away from words like “impressionist” as labels, Sig doesn’t mind people saying them to start a conversation about his work. He does refer to a few of his works as “impressionistic landscapes.” Sig understands these are only words of description. Yet he gently in his down-to-earth way firmly defies being “labeled” and “categorized.” This could be why Sig likes to paint large-scale.
For some people, just when they think Sig is just an abstract artist, he emerges with another subject or technique in his work. For example, the painting “Alli and Flash.” It came about when he became fascinated with hummingbirds.
“It all started when one year we were getting an extraordinary number of humming birds to our hummingbird feeders everyday. Charlene and I were taking turns in shifts filling up four humming bird feeders. We usually have a few hummingbirds that stay all year, and a few that we see so much we have names for them.”
Illustrating the distinction of character and personality among them, Sig noted. “Alli is the hummingbird that tries to guard all the feeders and will only let a few other hummers drink. Flash, in contrast, has a kind of bronze color when he turns his head just so.”
It is this distinction and commitment to detail in particular that got The Guild’s attention. He works in multiple mediums and interesting techniques like scratch (Sgraffito) painting that are unusual, said Duffley. “Sig is prolific and very creative.”
William Sig Rundstrom’s art is part of the Arts Guild of Sonoma’s exhibition, through March. Th other featured artists are: Christine Gonzalves, Susan Heeringa-Pieper, Nancy Martin, Kent Parker Julia Pozsgai, Lyn Swan, BJ Beck, Katerina Capetanos, Irene Ehret, Zaza Fetterly, Paul Ford, Peggy Francis, Howard Hardie, Gayle Manfre, Margery Maye, Martin Munson. Norm Worth, and Pat Meier-Johnson, just named Sonoma’s Treasure Artist of 2022.
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