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County will review SDC plan in Oct. 6 zoom meeting

In an online meeting October 6, The Sonoma County Planning Commission workshop will discuss the draft Sonoma Developmental Center Specific Plan and draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR). The zoom session begins at 1 p.m.

The workshop will discuss the draft Specific Plan and EIR which highlights how over 20 years, the redevelopment of the Sonoma Developmental Center will prioritize affordable housing and open space preservation.

The plan calls for:

  • Open space protection for 700 acres and preservation of Sonoma Creek.
  • 283 units of affordable housing and 1,000 total housing units.
  • 50 percent of the market rate housing is designed to be “missing middle housing” for people like teachers and firefighters.
  • Creation of more than 900 jobs that would provide diverse living-wage jobs in an economy dominated by agriculture and hospitality.
  • A walkable core with transit, pedestrian and bike paths to provide alternatives to automobile use.
  • Institutional uses focusing on research and education driving employment.
  • Commercial, recreational, and civic uses for residents, employees and the greater Sonoma Valley.

The complete draft specific plan and EIR is available for review at Permit Sonoma  at

Meeting info, including how to join the Zoom meeting, can be found on the Planning Commission meeting page.

One Comment

  1. Stewart Saunders Stewart Saunders

    Chief Akers says the SDC 1,000 home plan “only adds 1.2 minutes to wildfire evacuations” REALLY CHIEF? You’ll need to drive 487.5 miles per hour to cover the added traffic line of 9.75 miles in 1.2 minutes…. Do the math:
    Chief Akres making a statement that 9.75 miles of added traffic to one lane Arnold Drive adds an average of 1.2 minutes (72 seconds) to an evacuation is completely impossible and completely irresponsible. Grand scale criminal negligence.
    72 seconds divided by 9.75 miles = 7.38 seconds per mile. Vehicles will need to cover a mile in 7.38 seconds every mile (487.5mph) for 9.75 miles to only add 1.2 minutes to an evacuation in order to validate Chief Akers claim. Fabricated beyond any possible reality or reason. Chief Akres is not acting like a fire official with duty to protect people, but a politician pushing an pathetically planned agenda. He completely discredits himself, fire department leadership, and the entire EIR.

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