
Sonoma’s three biggest problems? The candidate questionnaire

Posted on October 17, 2022 by Sonoma Valley Sun

What are the City of Sonoma’s three biggest problems, and how would you fix them?  

These five candidates are running for three seats on the City Council: Thomas Deegan; Patricia Farrar-Rivas; John Gurney; Mike Nugent; and Ron Wellander. The Sun asked each of them to identify what needs fixing, and briefly explain how they would address the problem. Here, in alphabetical order, are their statements

Thomas Deegan

Hiring a new City manager is of utmost need. This position is critical to the success of our city. This City Manager is the CEO of the city and we have recently had problems keeping this position filled. As a result of this turnover, the city staff has been left to struggle with city issues along with ordinance enforcement. To solve this problem we have begun a national search for a permanent City Manager. It would be my hope that the successful City Manager candidate will live in our community and have the leadership skills to hold his/her direct report(s) accountable.   

Master Plan for the Plaza. The Plaza is not only a National Monument but it is our city’s jewel and we need to watch over it so that future generations can learn its history, enjoy its beauty, and experience how it brings our community together. In order to do this we need to develop a long term plan on how to care for it into the future. The issues inside the Master Plan would include, but are not limited to, the businesses that surround the Plaza and interact with it, parking in the area, automobile and bus traffic, and ongoing maintenance and development.    Each one of these issues should be looked at individually, keeping in mind how they are all interconnected to the Master Plan, which is our long-term vision for the Plaza.  

Vacant businesses and absentee homeowners. As Sonoma works at attracting visitors to our city, we also need to attract and support businesses to serve them. City council should engage with business owners to see how we can help support them; perhaps helping them through the permitting process or improving the public areas around their businesses would be a good start. Having vacant homes in our area reduces the number of people living full-time in the town, hurting our businesses and adding to the loss of community in our neighborhoods. The city should continue to look at restricting the number of vacation rentals, increasing the length of a required stay, and enforcing the ordinances to protect their neighbors. Lastly we may want to consider developing a special tax to discourage these issues from growing.

Patricia Farrar-Rivas

Identify challenges, rather than problems. We must clarify our goals and define the system we are working in. Our system is the City of Sonoma. Our goal is to ensure the long-term equitable sustainability of our City, its people and natural environment. Therefore, the first challenge is to adopt this goal and draft a plan. I will bring my skills of strategic planning to support this endeavor.

Have a collaborative governing body and a City Hall with the skills to standardize, implement, and scale the plan. The composition of the City Council is in the hands of the electorate. As a City Council member, I will support a process to put the right people in the right seats. We want our City Hall to be a “best place to work.”

Addressing multiple components of an equitable system-based approach: bringing specific skills to specific tasks, with the view of the whole system. Public safety and services, sufficient and affordable housing, and adapting to the climate crisis, requires an infrastructure and economy to support all efforts. I will advocate for identifying resources from within our community, and public and private stakeholders while promoting balance and collaboration.

John Gurney

Recruit and hire full-time City Manager. The City Manager is a critical role and responsible for implementing Council policy and ensuring City programs and services are meeting the needs of the community and financial goals. The City is under contract with a recruitment firm. We await a job analysis to include input from all levels of community stakeholders. Characteristics I desire in our next City Manager include experienced leader, customer oriented, accountable, and committed to being part of the community.

Support local economy. Supporting the local economy brings revenue to the City. If we do not meet our financial goals we limit the ability to impact local concerns that include crime, traffic, housing, homelessness, and others. Promote and facilitate success with business and project applicants while encouraging livable wage jobs. The Plaza should be pristine and represent the Sonoma spirit, values, and culture. We want a solid return on our community investments.  

Address quality of life concerns in the community. Community issues that come up frequently in my conversations involve crime, traffic, homeless, and housing. To achieve meaningful impact it will be necessary to have a fully engaged and committed City Manager who can build a team of professional department heads capable of implementing state of the art practices and strategies to solve problems. We need to provide the City Manager with the necessary financial resources to effectively address community issues.

Mike Nugent

Restoring leadership continuity on the City Council. The abrupt departures of Mayor Harvey and the resignations of Members Harrington and Hundley eroded confidence in our Council. Worse, it has sapped the confidence of  the valued employees of the City. The revolving door of City Managers is a symptom of leadership failure at the Council level. Sonoma voters have a rightful expectation of competence and leadership continuity. They have been greatly disappointed. I will be engaged and see my term through.

Hiring a new City Manager and making operational efficiencies at City Hall. This must be a top priority. The City Manager is the CEO of City Hall, and collaborates with the City Council and department heads day in and day out – without which, Council can not focus on policy as a cohesive unit. 

Address housing affordability issues and the increase in second homes and vacation rentals. During my 40+ years in Sonoma, neighborhood character has changed, with fewer families and more single residents, couples, we are a disproportionately aging community. This has given rise to second homes, and worse, the specter of fractional ownership homes which do nothing to support the sense of community we enjoy here. I will promote/encourage housing for Sonomans first.

Ron Wellander

Stabilize, solidify, and support City Hall. Retirements, incomplete council terms, and unsuccessful hire of previous city manager, combined with the pandemic, have rendered a less than effective local government. Critical first step is to hire an excellent city manager. Second, work with the new city manager in the evaluation of structure and staff needs, filling vacancies, and reorganizing as needed in order to serve the community best. Then, going forward, council needs to render support to City Hall.

Support our valued small town context. In an effective and appropriate way, provide our contribution to the housing needs. Minimize state influence and overreach in the shaping of Sonoma. Respond to the state’s mandate to create housing, work collaboratively with stakeholders, interest groups, and developers, to build a mix of housing stock that provides not only Affordable, but affordable for the “Missing Middle.”

Create a Plaza and commercial retail district. The Plaza requires a “road map” as to how to maintain our landmark public landscape space. In the distant future, create a comprehensive master plan for the Plaza, and the surrounding retail/commercial pedestrian frontage. An opportunity exists to provide greater connectivity from the Plaza north to the Overlook Trail. The goal is to enhance, enliven, energize our downtown while sustaining the “economic engine” of tourism.


The Sun recommends.




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