
Creativity from the fires

Posted on October 22, 2022 by Sonoma Valley Sun

During the fires, at the end of her long day, to decompress, Annika Gustafson “would sketch the Valley and mountains around me, partly documenting what’s there as it’s all burning away, but mostly remembering what it looked like before, getting lost in the memory of its calm beauty.”


For his Wildfire series, Peter Alan experimented with remnant ash and remains from his Glen Ellen home and painting studio, both lost to the 201t wildfires.  Two examples:
flag (wildfire04) | picture frame, glass, wood, metal, vacuum roller, collage, plaster and resin on plywood panel. Photo by Oshen Morphy
“deep pan Wildfried (study02)” | flying pan, molten metal, wood, paint tubes, collage, pen, enamel, stencil, rubber stamp, “N. Rockwell plate” piece, gesso and resin on plywood panel. Photo by Oshen Morphy

Below: Lester Lake made this table out of tools that were recovered while helping a friend going through his grandfather’s barn that burned in Kenwood.


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