Sonoma Valley Sun


Out of the cold and rain

Posted on February 18, 2023 by Sonoma Valley Sun

Homeless Action Sonoma (HAS) continues to run a warming shelter in the old Community Cafe restaurant space on West Napa Street in Sonoma, serving 15-25 unhoused individuals a day, 60 overall. Volunteers offer on-site job readiness training, help with Social Security issues, pro bono help with legal issues, and soon will add peer counseling classes and AA. The Redwood Gospel Shower Van and the County Health van come once a week. Sonoma Overnight Support provides breakfast and lunch five days/week; Saturdays a volunteer makes lunch, and Sundays, a public-is-welcome dinner is prepared by volunteers. T

The space was made available by building owner Dave Jefferson, but the rest of expenses are borne by HAS – the city and county have not contributed to the effort. “This has put a big hole in the budget but we are doing good work,” said HAS’ Annie Falandes, above, in the new Community Room. “Great preview for the village [in the Springs] which should be up and running by the end of March.” 

Sonoma Sun | Sonoma, CA