Sonoma Valley Sun


Sonoma officials must take responsibility

Posted on November 3, 2023 by Sonoma Valley Sun

I was extremely grateful to learn that Toni Thompson resigned her position on the Design Review and Historic Preservation Commission. But her blaming the Sonoma Index-Tribune and stating that there was an “agenda to attack me” was outrageous! The newspaper was doing its job, informing the public of the history of the Thompsons. 

And for her to state that “digging up stories that have no bearing on my appointment to the commission” is totally erroneous. The public needs to know that Judge Broderick stated that the Thompsons “knowingly and intentionally violated multiple provisions of the easement on numerous occasions” in addition to “persistent failure to tell the truth,” “demonstrated arrogance” and “lack of respect for the terms of the easement.” 

These behaviors have a direct bearing on her appointment as they are NOT the behaviors we want in a City of Sonoma Commissioner.

And what about the other Councilmembers, the Mayor, and the City Hall Staff? Did they not think they had a responsibility to the City of Sonoma to speak up about Ms. Thompson’s history? Newspaper articles about the Heritage Oak issue were in several papers including the Los Angeles Times.

And if by chance none of the city officials were aware of the Heritage Oak issue, they all certainly should have known about, and been familiar with, the fiasco the Thompsons created on Third Street East. Did anyone speak up?

It is obvious that Councilmember Ms. Farrar-Rivas did not do any due diligence on her appointee. Just Goggling Toni Thompson, Sonoma, CA immediately brings up 23 items regarding the Heritage Oak issue of 2019. 

In addition, Ms. Farrar-Rivas has taken no responsibility for this inexcusable appointment. Instead, she blames the process. One would expect that if a person could not make a well- informed decision within the allotted time, that they would simply ask for more time. 

Was the decision-making process used to appoint Ms. Thompson a sample of how Ms. Farrar-Rivas is going to reach all her decisions as a City of Sonoma Council Member?

If Ms. Farrar-Rivas does not have time to perform the duties assigned to her as a Councilmember, does not make her duties as a Councilmember a priority, and most importantly does not take responsibility for her actions, she does not belong on the City Council. Ms. Farrar-Rivas should resign.

— Janet Wedekind, Sonoma

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