Sonoma Valley Sun


Dodd endorses Verder-Aliga

Posted on February 4, 2024 by Sonoma Valley Sun

Serving Sonoma County in the California state Senate is the greatest honor of my professional life, and before retiring at the end of this year I will be fighting hard this year to build on the progress we’ve made together. But the work is never done, and I’m committed to ensuring we have the person who can most effectively represent us as my successor. That’s why I’m endorsing Councilwoman Dr. Rozzana Verder-Aliga for Senate.

Rozzana has been on the front lines of our most important issues as a licensed marriage and family therapist with a doctorate in counseling psychology, as a city councilmember for 10 years, and as a school board member before that. She has the life experience, collaborative spirit and values to provide the leadership we desperately need in the Capitol. Rozzana doesn’t shy away from a challenge. She successfully turned deficits into record reserves on the city council. And now she’s running to change the mindset in Sacramento.

Nobody is better suited to tackle housing and homelessness, education and public safety. And nobody will be more present in Sonoma County to meet our unique local needs. Please join me in supporting Dr. Rozzana Verder-Aliga for state Senate District 3.

— State Senator Bill Dodd 

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