
Sonoma, a city of sisterly love

Posted on June 11, 2024 by Sonoma Sun

A large representation from the Sister Cities, the full Sonoma City Council, and other officials greeted the Consul General of Ukraine, Honorable Dmytro Kushneruk, at a reception and press conference in front of City Hall June 6, to present to Ukraine an ambulance from the City.

Photo (l-r): Sister Cities board members Sylvia Toth, Andrew Sorowski,  VP Robert Demler, President Stephanie Fine, Monica Menco and Gigi Phleger;  Chris Manson of US Ambulances for Ukraine; City Council member Jack Ding

Welcomed by Mayor John Gurney, the Consul spoke about the Russian invasion, what the people of Ukraine are going through, the gratitude Ukraine has for the support of Sonoma and the continued collaboration Ukraine looks forward to with Sonoma and the State of California. He noted that the day commemorated D-Day in Normandy and that President Zelensky was in Normandy that day.

The 2003 ambulance, filled with medical supplies, will be shipped to Ukraine hopefully before the end of June. The City of Sonoma donated the vehicle, rendered surplus by the City’s recent purchase of a new $300,000 ambulance. City Manager David Guhin proposed the donation after receiving a request from the Consul for potential surplus vehicles. The Sonoma Sister Cities, with its Sister City in Kaniv, Ukraine, is responsible for all the arrangements and the cost of getting the ambulance to its destination. The arrangements, including transfer of title, are being made through US Ambulances for Ukraine, a Peoria, Illinois nonprofit whose founder Chris Manson was present; and UA Resistance Foundation, a nonprofit shipping company whose director was also present.

Sister Cities’ fundraising has exceeded their $20,000 goal, ample for the cost, including all the necessary paperwork, of getting the emergency vehicle to its destination. They also have been successful in soliciting medical supplies from various surgical suppliers. Kaeti Bailie, a member of the Kaniv committee, told the Sun that “when an idea is good, it gets wings.” The logo for the project, created by local artist David Barker, depicts a winged ambulance. In fact, the vehicle will travel by boat to Ukraine. The public is invited to “sign” the ambulance, on a large banner draped over it.

Johanna Patri of Sister Cities told the Sun, “The Press Conference on its surface seemed so simple with an audience of support, including all City Council members. However, it was a somber event, given… the magnitude and extreme of devastation and destruction in Ukraine, and the gratitude behind the generosity of the City of Sonoma and the support of Sonoma Sister Cities Association, Kaniv Committee, making it all happen.” Sarah Tracy of the City commented, “It was uplifting to see the community support for our Sister City and this important initiative.”

To make a tax deductible donation write a check to SSCA/Kaniv and mail to: PO Box 1975, Sonoma CA 95476, or visit them online.

By Anna Pier



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