
Ed Foundation Executive Director Angela Ryan steps down

Posted on June 12, 2024 by Sonoma Sun

In stepping down as Executive Director from the Sonoma Valley Education Foundation, Angela Ryan expressed her appreciation in a message to the Sonoma Valley community.

“As I wrap up my final few days at the Sonoma Valley Education Foundation, I want to share my gratitude, appreciation, and excitement for what the future holds for the organization and the students and teachers of Sonoma Valley.

This role has been more than a job for me; it was a wish fulfillment to become the Executive Director of SVEF and to serve the schools that I attended, that employed many of my family members, and where I choose to send my children. When I say it has been an honor and a privilege, I am speaking the truth.

When I started at SVEF in March of 2019, the world was different, the community was different, and the needs of students were different. Over these past five years, thanks to your steadfast support, I have led and participated in this organization’s evolution in response to these unprecedented circumstances. We have weathered these unforeseen challenges and re-emerged as a stronger ally to our public schools.

Our Red & White Ball is now an inclusive community event that engages everyone who has a stake in and can contribute to our public schools’ success (hint: that’s everyone!). Our support prioritizes students’ unmet needs inside and outside the classroom, and we work diligently to meet those needs in collaboration with our esteemed youth-serving partners.

Perhaps the accomplishment I am most proud of is the strong team we’ve built at SVEF, and I know that you will see the wisdom, experience, and vision they bring to improve outcomes for Sonoma Valley’s public school students. That vision will only grow and deepen under Sarah’s leadership and with your continued support.

In closing, I want to leave you with a truism that I hold dear about my cherished hometown of Sonoma: we are at our best in Sonoma when we are working together, in deep collaboration with and for one another. That is what makes this town great and allows us to continue to rise to the occasion when our children need us.”

With Gratitude,

Angela Ryan, Ph.D
Executive Director

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