Sonoma Overnight Support (SOS) continues to see a big increase in the number of individuals needing meals. In July, 6,255 meals were served. SOS serves breakfast and lunch in its Unity Kitchen, Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. They also deliver meals to... Continue
According to the CDC, COVID-19 can be described as endemic throughout the world. That means that COVID is here to stay. Continue
With no new candidate nomination papers submitted to the City of Sonoma by the deadline of August 9, 2024, both Jack Ding and Sandra Lowe will retain their seats and remain on the City Council for another four year term. Elected in 2021, both Ding... Continue
On Tuesday August 6, with excitement and fanfare Kamala Harris introduced Tim Walz as her running mate. Everyone I know was thrilled and relieved. Sure, Shapiro had his advocates but like Harris, is a lawyer, aggressive, speaks like a politician, and as Jewish cannot position... Continue
AI robotics is advancing rapidly. Should killer robots be able to refuse orders? Continue
Perhaps you've not heard of Measure J. It's on this November's ballot and its opponents believe that if it's passed it will doom Sonoma County's small family farms, farms like Strauss Family Farm and others. According to its supporters, Measure J was crafted to supposedly... Continue
Dog-lovers in the City of Sonoma can be forgiven for being puzzled about recent news from Mars. Mars Petcare, that is; an earthbound dog-food company which also makes candy for humans, a/k/a Mars Bars. Per a press release by Pets Lifeline, our Valley's animal shelter,... Continue
How much empathy is too much empathy? An excess of empathy can lead to “compassion fatigue,” which can eventually turn the kindest of hearts to stone Continue
Legislation Introduced by Assemblymember Al Muratsuchi Aims to Curb Censorship in Public Libraries and Safeguard Library Professionals from Retaliation. AB 1825 aims to safeguard the right to access diverse and inclusive literature in public libraries across California. This legislation proactively works to combat the growing... Continue
Sonoma has earned certification through Pets Lifeline as a pet-friendly city by the Better Cities For Pets program from Mars Petcare. This certification showcases Sonoma’s commitment to creating a pet-friendly community, welcoming pets, offering pet-friendly programs and amenities, and helping keep people and pets together... Continue