Sonoma Valley Unified School District Meets Thursday September 12 at 4 pm SVUSD BOARD MEETING Today at 4 pm the SVUSD board will meet. The open session begins at 5:30 pm. We are invited to attend, or participate via zoom. REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA | 09/12/2024 – 04:00 PM | 17850 Railroad Avenue, Sonoma CA 95476 | CLOSED SESSION – 4:00 P.M. | OPEN SESSION – 5:30 P.M. The Sonoma Valley Unified School District adheres to the Americans with Disabilities Act. Should you require special accommodations or more information about accessibility please contact the Superintendent at 707-935-4246. All efforts will be made for reasonable accommodations. Under BB9323, the Board recognizes the importance of public participation at Board meetings, whether in-person or virtually. In accordance with Government Code Section 54953.3, members of the public may attend a Board meeting in person or virtually and are not required to register their name or provide other information. Members of the public will be permitted to make public comments both in-person and via videoconference. The Board recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and will provide time for members of the public to address the Board concerning any item that has been described in the notice for the special meeting before or during consideration of that item consistent with Government Code section 54954.3, subdivision (a). Each speaker is requested to identify themselves prior to addressing the Board and to limit comments to three minutes. LOCATION In Person: SVUSD District Offices, 17850 Railroad Avenue, Sonoma CA 95476 Zoom Link: Webinar ID: 995 8778 4059 Phone: +1 669 900 9128 Please note that the Board offers the public the ability to comment during the meeting via Zoom in addition to the opportunity to provide comment in person at the meeting location. If the Board experiences technical difficulties with Zoom or use of Zoom results in disruption of the meeting, the Board may decide to limit or not allow further comment via Zoom for the remainder of the meeting. SVUSD Board Meetings are live-streamed via and recordings posted on YouTube. AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER – 4:00 P.M. (Open Session) 2. ANNOUNCEMENT OF SPANISH LANGUAGE TRANSLATION SERVICES 3. ACTION: APPROVAL OF CLOSED SESSION AGENDA 4. PUBLIC COMMENT – Opportunity for public to comment on Closed Session items(s). 5. CLOSED SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF STUDENT EXPULSION (Ed. Code § 48918(c)) (Student Case No. 242501) 2. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION: SUPERINTENDENT (Gov. Code § 54957, subd. (b)(1)) 3. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS (Gov. Code, § 54957.6, subd. (a)) Agency designated representatives: Rena Seifts, Associate Superintendent, Business Services Employee organization:Valley of the Moon Teachers’ Association CTA/NEA 4. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS (Gov. Code, § 54957.6, subd. (a)) Agency designated representatives: Rena Seifts, Associate Superintendent, Business Services Employee organization: California School Employees’ Association, Chapter 376 5. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – Anticipated Litigation Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code § 54956.9, subd. (d)(2): 3 Cases 6. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION – Estimated Time 5:30 P.M. 1. Report action taken, if any, in Closed Session 7. ROLL CALL/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 8. ACTION: APPROVAL OF AGENDA 9. ANNOUNCEMENT OF SPANISH LANGUAGE TRANSLATION SERVICES 10. NORM & INSPIRATION 11. STUDENT PRESENTATION: Sassarini Elementary School 12. COMMUNICATIONS TO THE BOARD/PUBLIC COMMENT 13. REPORT: Student Voice, VMTA, CSEA, Sonoma Chief of Police, Superintendent 14. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of Minutes 2. Approval to enter into Contracts: Over $50K 3. Ratification of Contracts: Under $50K 4. Approval of Warrants/Purchase Orders 5. Approval of Overnight Field Trip Requests 6. Approval of Change Orders 7. Approval of Certificated and Classified Personnel Reports 8. Approval of Notice of Completion (NOC) SVHS Fire Alarm 9. Approval of La Luz Facility Use Agreement 10. Approval of P-cards: Opening Purchase Card Account 11. Approval for the Superintendent to a Attend Professional Meeting Outside the State of California 12. Approval of BP & AR 5131.7 Weapons and Dangerous Instruments 13. Approal of AR 1312.4 Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures 14. Information: VMTA Association President MOU 15. Information: Enrollment Data 15. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Public Hearing: Sufficiency of Textbooks and Instructional Materials for Grades K-12 2. Action: Approval of Resolution 25-03 Regarding the Sufficiency or Insufficiency of Textbook and Instructional Materials 3. Action: Approval of Resolution 25-02: Suicide Prevention and Awareness Month 4. Action: Approval of BP & AR 5131.2 Bullying 5. Action: Approval of Unaudited Actuals 6. Action: Approval of School Bus Purchase 7. Action: Approval of GANN Limit Resolution No. 25-01 8. Action: Motion to Designate the Sonoma Valley High School Science Building For Naming 9. Interview Applicants and Appointment to Fill Board Vacancy 10. Informational Presentation: Special Education Monthly Update 11. Informational Presentation: Update from Sonoma Splash 12. First Read: BP & AR 6146.1 High School Graduation Requirements 13. First Read: BP 6146.4 Differential Graduation and Competency Standards for Students with Disabilities 16. REPORTS (Board) 17. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS PROPOSED 18. RECONVENE TO CLOSED SESSION, IF NECESSARY 19. REPORT ACTION, IF ANY, TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION 20. ADJOURNMENT Writings relating to a Board meeting agenda item that are distributed to at least a majority o f Board members less than 72 hours before a noticed meeting, and that are public records not otherwise exempt from disclosure, will be available for inspection at the District administrative offices, 17850 Railroad Ave. Such writings may also be available on the District’s website. (Govt. Code section 54957.5 (b)). More from What's HappeningMore posts in What's Happening »Sonoma County Board of Supervisors approves $500,000 to support immigrant communitiesSonoma County Board of Supervisors approves $500,000 to support immigrant communitiesKathleen Hill: Good News, Trump News and Valentine’s MealsKathleen Hill: Good News, Trump News and Valentine’s MealsHigh School Booster Club’s Boots & Buckles Tickets Are LIVE!High School Booster Club’s Boots & Buckles Tickets Are LIVE!Editorial: SDC – An Avalanche of FailuresEditorial: SDC – An Avalanche of Failures
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