
Mictlán this weekend only at the Sebastiani

Posted on October 3, 2024 by Alyssa Conder

Mictlán delves into the

ancient Aztec legend of the

underworld, where souls must

undergo nine trials to achieve

eternal peace. The story

follows Xail (pron Sha-eel), a

woman who, after her death, is

summoned by Mictlantecuhtli,

the god of death, to revisit the

most meaningful moments of

her life through these trials.

Guided by a Xoloitzcuintli dog

(the Mexican Hairless dog, an

ancient breed), Xail journeys


through the underworld and

experiences the richness of

various Mexican regions,

creating a powerful tribute

to Día de Muertos and the

spiritual journey of the



Mictlán endaga en la leyenda

azteca del inframundo, donde

el ánima debe someterse a

nueve pruebas para alcanzar

la paz eterna. La trama sigue a

Xail, llamada por el dios de la

muerte Mictlantecuhtli a volver

a visitar los eventos más

significativos de su vida.

Guiada por Xoloitzcuintli, viaja

por el inframundo y experimenta

la riqueza de las varias regiones

de México, así tributando al Día

de los Muertos y el viaje espiritual de

el más allá.

Photos by
Genesis Vondergeest
and Noe Pizano


Víctor Ferrer and Vanessa Carrillo, Co-Directors

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