On the heels of two wet winters, University researcher Dr. Matteo Garbelotto reports that Sudden Oak Death, the syndrome caused by a pathogen, is again on the increase.
What’s more, a new and possibly more aggressive pathogen variant dubbed “NA2” has been detected in five woodland outbreaks. NA2 appears to be more infectious than NA1 in warmer areas, and more virulent.
A program of surveying and testing for the presence of the more common pathogen reveals infections in all areas of Sonoma County, with an estimated true infection rate of 13.4 percent in Eastern Sonoma County, 2 percent in Northern Sonoma County, and 12.3 percent in Western Sonoma County. A total of 864 trees in Sonoma County were surveyed.
Garbelotto suggests a three step process to manage Sudden Oak Death. Step one: determine how serious the risk is by using an app developed specifically for that evaluation, available at sodmapmoble.org. Step two: establish a clear zone around the infected tree. Step three: apply a mixture of Phosphonate and water and apply the tree trunk to soak it as high as possible.
Information about Sudden Oak Death and instructional videos are available HERE
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