Black Cooperatives in the U.S. and Internationally
FRIDAY, JANUARY 10 at 12:00 (Noon) on Zoom
(Please note earlier time than regular programs)
Tickets: $15 for Praxis Members – $20 General
Omar Freilla is a co-founder and Coordinator of Collective Diaspora, a global community of Black cooperatives and Black-led cooperative support organizations from across the African diaspora. He is a cooperative development consultant and adjunct lecturer at the City University of New York. He has over 20 years of experience developing cooperative enterprises, having founded Green Worker Cooperatives, the oldest Black-led worker cooperative development organization in the US, created the first business accelerator for worker cooperatives in the US, and co-founded the US Federation of Worker Cooperatives, Democracy At Work Institute, and the NYC Network of Worker Cooperatives.
His work is grounded in his experience as a Black Dominican from the South Bronx growing up amid fights for community self-determination, organizing in Black feminist and environmental justice movements, and raising a family with his wife and two children in the Bronx. Omar was also a participant in the Praxis Peace Institute’s first seminar at the Mondragon Cooperatives in Spain (2008).
The Degrowth Movement
FRIDAY, JANUARY 24 at 4:00 pm on Zoom
This event is part of Praxis Peace Institute’s 6-part Climate Crisis series.
Tickets: $15 for Praxis Members – $20 General
Anne Sheridan has worked with SanDiego350, California Doughnut Economic Coalition, Degrowth California, DegrowUS, and the International Degrowth Network to develop strategy, advocate for policy, and build organizational capacity. She is motivated by a vision of a world where everyone works to meet each other’s needs through the compassionate, collaborative, and ecological management of resources. Her work focuses primarily on cultivating tools and practices for participatory decision-making and conflict transformation in a care-based economy. Anne also enjoys conspiring with others in resisting systems of domination. She holds a Masters degree in Degrowth: Ecology, Economics and Policy from the Autonomous University of Barcelona in Spain, the only university to offer such a degree in the world.
Challenges and Possible Solutions to the Climate Crisis
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 at 7:30 pm
SPECIAL PRAXIS 25th Anniversary LIVE Program in Sonoma!
Sonoma Community Center, 276 E. Napa St., Andrews Hall
A separate reception for Robinson will be held at 6:30 pm at a private residence near the event venue (means parking only once). Reception address given upon registration.
Tickets For Event Only: $25 for Praxis Members – $30 General
Tickets for Reception & Event: $50 for Praxis Members – $60 General
The focus will be on the excellent research on climate and possible solutions that are part of Robinson’s monumental book, “The Ministry for the Future.”
Kim Stanley Robinson is an American novelist, widely recognized as one of the foremost living writers of science fiction. His work has been described as “humanist science fiction” and “literary science fiction.” He has published twenty-two novels that have been translated into 24 languages. These books include the Mars Trilogy, New York 2140, Aurora, and The Ministry for the Future, which will be discussed at the event. Many of his novels and stories have ecological, cultural, and political themes and feature scientists as heroes. Robinson has won numerous awards, including the Hugo and Nebula Awards for best novel, and The Arthur C. Clarke award, among others. The Atlantic has labeled his work as “the gold-standard of realistic, and highly literary, science-fiction writing.” In addition to mountain climbing and a deep reverence for Nature, Robinson holds a PhD. In English literature from UC San Diego and has taught at UC Davis.
New York Times columnist Ezra Klein said this of Ministry for the Future: If I could get policymakers and citizens everywhere to read just one book this year, it would be Kim Stanley Robinson’s The Ministry for the Future. Don’t miss this incredible opportunity!
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