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City of Sonoma General Plan Land Use Workshop January 30th at Vintage House

As part of its General Plan update, the City of Sonoma has scheduled a public workshop focused on proposed changes to land use in Sonoma.

Following direction from the City Council and the Planning Commission this past fall, changes in land use have been proposed for several parcels in Sonoma, including the 21-acre Sebastiani Winery property on 4th Street East. Developers have expressed interest in building a luxury resort hotel and housing. This workshop is an opportunity for the city to gather public feedback, and discuss the next steps in the planning process.

This workshop is a chance to stay informed, ask questions, and contribute to shaping Sonoma’s future land use policies. Public participation helps ensure that the General Plan reflects the community’s vision and addresses growth, development, and sustainability priorities.

The workshop will be held from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at Vintage House, 264 1st St E, Sonoma, CA 95476

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