Sonoma County has invited residents to participate in a series of open house-style events as part of the county’s General Plan update. These drop-in workshops, running through April 16, offer an informal setting where community members can visit themed stations, share input, and help shape the future of their neighborhoods.
The Sonoma County General Plan is a central policy document that provides the basic or essential framework for all zoning and land use decisions. It directs the patterns of land use throughout the unincorporated county based on the priorities of its residents and stakeholders. Sonoma County General Plan 2020 is being updated to reflect the evolving conditions of the county and region over the past 16 years, as well as to bring it into compliance with current State law requirements. The updated General Plan will help the Sonoma County community create and achieve a shared vision for future preservation, growth, and change that is environmentally, economically, and equitably feasible and sustainable.
Typically, a General Plan begins with a vision statement and then establishes goals, objectives, policies, and programs that will implement that vision. These issues are organized into a series of topic-specific “elements” or chapters of the General Plan. State law requires General Plans to address the following elements: land use, circulation and mobility, housing, conservation, open space, noise, safety, and environmental justice. These elements can be combined or presented in any order that best fits the community. Additional elements can be added to the General Plan depending on local needs and goals.
The General Plan also includes area plans that create more specific policies for smaller geographic areas.
Attendees can stop by anytime during the open house and provide feedback on key issues such as housing, transportation, and environmental preservation. Spanish interpretation will be available at all in-person events. Family-friendly activities and dinner will also be provided.
The Sonoma workshop will be held today, Monday March 24th, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at Flowery Elementary School, 17600 Sonoma Highway.
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