Shop projects were never this exciting when I was in school. Students at Sandpoint High School in Bonner County, Idaho dedicated a year of class time to constructing a barbeque grill in the shape of a Smith and Wesson pistol, according to the Daily Bee
Yahoo’s Eric Pfeiffer notes that the gun grill emits smoke through a hole in the barrel, producing the visual image of a “smoking gun.” While the pistol grill is a one of a kind pit, commissioned by local firearms retailer Wrenco Arms, Sandpoint’s welding class is not the first group of barbeque makers to envision something a bit more creative than what your neighbor has in his back yard.
“American Chopper” Mobile Barbeque Pit
With a name like Righteous Urban Barbeque it was natural for the New York-based purveyors of sauced meat heaven to commission a unique grill from none other than “American Chopper” custom cycle makers Orange County Choppers.
Owner Andrew Fischel called the resulting grill on wheels “the sickest, baddest thing in the world.” His staff have used the grill, though the proximity of the pit to the gas tank begs questions about the safety of the design.
Dragon Fire
Whether you’re holding your own Renaissance Fair, or just like the idea of consorting with dragons, this fully functional grill will get the neighbors talking.
Ed McBride created this rolling, fire breather, appropriately dubbed “Guardian of the Beast.” He sold the first one in 2007 for $65,000, so you might have to take out a second mortgage if you want to add one to your outdoor kitchen.
Choo Choo
If you don’t mind putting a little elbow grease into it, Miller Welding will gladly provide you with instructions for making your own steam engine barbeque pit. This is the perfect project for the guy who’s as handy with a welding torch as a spatula.
Russell Marr isn’t sure where the inspiration for El Toro Bravo came from, but insinuates that there may have been some sort of divine intervention.
“I heard a voice,” Marr teases, “a voice that said ‘Build a vessel…fill it with animals of all kinds — but mainly beef and pork.” The truth is almost as weird — something about the shape of the traditional pit he was building inexplicably reminded him of a charging bull.
Marr claims the bull grills are actually better than a traditional barbeque, especially the feature that allows you to blow smoke rings out of the bull’s nose by pumping the tail a few times.
For grill lovers, these unique grills would be among their top grill picks. For casual and newbie grillers, these might be far from your standard 3 burner gas grill or pellet grill, but there’s an added fun in grilling with these specially designed grills.
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