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How the New Year Looks…Astrologically

By Carole Cherry and Lahni DeAmici

Strategizing the Year 2025:  Eclipses: Avoid planning stressful events like weddings, travel and medical procedures between Eclipses. This year the first pair runs from March 13th to March 29th, and the second pair runs from September 7th to September 22nd. If these align with your major Planets, take special care during those times. 

Mercury Retrogrades: During those nine weeks avoid purchases of phones, transportation and electronics. They run from March 14th to April 7th, from July 17th to August 11th, and from November 9th to November 29th. Refer to the Retrograde and Eclipse tables on the Quick Reference Pages. 

A Look at the Year Ahead: The year starts off  slowly with Mars, Jupiter and Uranus  Retrograde, so getting projects moving may take extra work. The New Moon on January 29th begins the Year of the Wood Snake. This is a good time to focus on personal issues more than social. Uranus turns Direct at the end of Januaryand Jupiter at the beginning of February, so events will pick up later in the month. March is complicated by two Eclipses, Mercury and Venus turning Retrograde and Neptune entering Aries where it will be until 2029. Neptune was last in Aries between 1862 and 1875. During that time was the American Civil War, the end of slavery, the first transcontinental railroad, the purchase of Alaska from the Russian Empire, and the legal case that determined that States could not leave the Union. 

April will be easier as Mercury and Venus turn Direct and Mars enters Leo. In May, Pluto turns Retrograde, but the big event is Saturn entering Aries, so expect a shift in expectations. 

In June only Pluto is Retrograde so events will progress quickly and smoothly. The big event is Jupiter entering its Exalted, Col-league Sign of Cancer. As Jupiter Squares Saturn, expect big eco-nomic news. In July, the big event is Uranus entering Gemini. The last time it was there was during WWII, and it always seems to boost the fight for human rights into high gear. August is a milder month helped by a fast-moving Jupiter. 

An eventful September starts with Saturn backing into Pisces, Uranus turning Retrograde, followed by two Eclipses and the Fall Equinox. In October Neptune backs into Pisces while Pluto turns Direct. Mercury and Mars are moving quickly so take advantage of that physicality to get practical tasks done. 

November is packed with events including Jupiter turning Retrograde, Saturn turning Direct, and Uranus backing into Taurus. In December Neptune turns Direct while the personal Planets make good progress, so the calendar year ends smoothly. 

Wishing You Good Stars in this Interesting Year Ahead.

Carole Cherry and her parents, Ralph and Lahni DeAmicis, have been publishing Planetary Calendar for 25 of its almost 80 years in print. You may remember hearing Carole do the weekly astrological forecast on Ken Brown’s old morning radio show on KSVY FM or seeing their video forecasts on SVTV TV in years gone by. Now they are delighted to be back to provide the astrological insights for the Sonoma Sun.

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